




俄克拉荷马大学在2021年度《美国新闻与世界报道》大学排名中位列全美第127名,世界第405位,根据CWUR世界大学排名2021年OU位列世界392名,卡内基高等院校分类标准指定的国家最高等级研究型大学。该校石油工程专业突出,在全美排第4位,是历史上第一个设立石油地质专业的高等院校。拥有全球最大的建于大学内的自然历史博物馆,其下属OUMC为全球顶尖医学院之一,在器官移植、神经外科学等领域均处于国际领先地位。OU会计学以及金融学研究成果优秀,根据杨百翰大学会计学研究排名(BYU Accounting Ranking),2021年该校累计在世界顶级会计学期刊发表论文的数量位列世界50名。学校坐落在俄克拉何马州的诺曼,距离俄克拉荷马城大都会区仅有30分钟的路程。该校毕业多名杰出校友,其中包括NBA球星特雷·杨,格里芬,新浪网CEO曹国伟;澳门特别行政区原特首崔世安;中国科学院“百人计划”入选者韦昌富。

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Associate Research Scholar or Staff Scientist


University of Oklahoma - College of Medicine


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma



Closing date

22 Dec 2024

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Associate Research Scholar or Staff Scientist positions to study cell signaling, cell movement, and colon cancer

The Tejeda Lab, part of the Department of Oncology Science and the NCI-designated OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center, is seeking a highly motivated and creative, individual for a Postdoctoral Fellow, Associate Research Scholar, Technician, or Staff Scientist position. The focus of the role is on cell signaling, cell movement, and colon cancer research.

The ideal candidate will hold a Master’s or Ph.D. and have a background in functional genomics, including experience with CRISPR, shRNA, and cDNA libraries, as well as next-generation sequencing. A strong foundation in cancer biology, metabolism, and signal transduction is essential.

Preference will be given to applicants with an outstanding publication record from previous graduate or postgraduate training and/or those with external funding.

The Tejeda Lab offers a supportive and collaborative environment with a shared passion for advancing cancer research. We are eager to fill this position and welcome applications promptly.

Interested candidates should submit a complete CV, a letter of interest detailing their career accomplishments and future goals, and three professional reference letters to Nydia-TejedaMunoz@ouhsc.edu.
