
美国Houston Methodist Research Institute博士后职位

摘要:休斯顿卫理公会研究所(HMRI;德克萨斯州休斯顿)的纳米医学系提供博士后职位。 HMRI是多医院系统的一部分,其旗舰医院位于世界上最大的医疗中心德克萨斯医疗中心的中心位置。 HMRI隶属于威尔康奈尔医学院和康奈尔大学威尔康奈尔医学科学研究生院。




  休斯顿卫理公会研究所(HMRI;德克萨斯州休斯顿)的纳米医学系提供博士后职位。 HMRI是多医院系统的一部分,其旗舰医院位于世界上最大的医疗中心德克萨斯医疗中心的中心位置。 HMRI隶属于威尔康奈尔医学院和康奈尔大学威尔康奈尔医学科学研究生院。

  成功的候选人将加入Drs团队。 Haifa Shen和Arturas Ziemys在物理肿瘤学和免疫疗法领域进行研究。成功的候选人将参与生物信息学,数据和成像分析以及生物学界面的多学科研究。该职位由国家癌症研究所的U54中心拨款资助:http://physics.cancer.gov/network/HoustonMethodistResearchInstitute.aspx。这一职位将使博士后研究员有机会与HMRI,NCI物理科学 - 肿瘤学网络,德克萨斯医学中心和其他机构的研究人员积极合作和建立联系。

  理想的候选人应该具有扎实的背景,在一个或几个领域有强大的第一作者出版物,如计算分析方法,生物信息学,数学,成像分析。 Python脚本编写的经验是一个好处。我们鼓励最近的博士毕业生申请。考生应该在加入我们的小组之前获得博士学位,并且应该具备良好的英语口头和书面沟通能力。有兴趣的人士应将他们的感兴趣的信件,包含研究经验的简历,他们的出版物清单以及至少三份参考文献的清单发送到一份PDF文件:aziemys@houstonmethodist.org和HShen@houstonmethodist.org。


  Houston Methodist Research Institute

  Houston, TX, United States

  A postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Nanomedicine at the Houston Methodist Research Institute (HMRI; Houston, Texas). HMRI is part of a multi-hospital system whose flagship hospital is centrally located within the world’s largest medical center, the Texas Medical Center. HMRI is affiliated with Weill Cornell Medical College and the Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences of Cornell University.

  The successful candidate will join the team of Drs. Haifa Shen and Arturas Ziemys to conduct research in the fields of physical oncology and immunotherapies. The successful candidate will engage in multidisciplinary research at the interface of bioinformatics, data and imaging analysis, and biology to understand. The position is funded by a U54 Center grant from the National Cancer Institute: http://physics.cancer.gov/network/HoustonMethodistResearchInstitute.aspx. This position will enable the postdoctoral fellow opportunities to actively collaborate and network with researchers in HMRI, the NCI Physical Sciences-Oncology Network, Texas Medical Center, and other institutions.

  The ideal candidate should have a solid background with strong first-author publications in one or few fields, like computational analysis methods, bioinformatics, mathematics, imaging analysis. The experience in Python scripting is a benefit. Recent PhD graduates are encouraged to apply. Candidates should have obtained their PhDs prior to joining our group and should have good oral and written communication skills in English. Interested individuals should send their letter of interest, their CVs containing research experience, the list of their publications, and the list of at least three references in a single PDF document to: aziemys@houstonmethodist.org and HShen@houstonmethodist.org.