Postdoctoral Scholarship in Neurophysiology
Linköping University (LiU)
Linköping (Kommun), Östergötland (SE)
SEK 28,500:-/month (tax-free)
Closing date
23 Mar 2025
Research environment
Håkan Olausson and Saad Nagi’s research groups study the peripheral mechanisms of human somatosensation. The primary technique is microneurography – recording from single peripheral neurons in awake human participants. This is complemented by other neurophysiological and psychophysical methods to explore the link between sensory neuron activity, perception, and behavior in both health and disease. The research environment is diverse, collegial, and supportive.
Research project
This project explores how peripheral sensory neurons contribute to pain in inflammation using microneurography, targeted pharmacology, psychophysics, and nociceptive withdrawal reflex measurements. With a strong translational focus, it will involve close collaboration with research groups at the Karolinska Institute. The findings will have clinical relevance for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
In the project, the scholar will obtain qualifications within among others
Design, acquisition, and analysis of single-unit afferent recordings using microneurography
Design, acquisition, and analysis of psychophysical experiments on touch and pain
Design, acquisition, and analysis of nociceptive withdrawal reflex experiments
Qualifications and requirements
Scholarships can only be awarded to foreign citizens with a doctoral degree or equivalent obtained in a country other than Sweden. The date of the doctoral degree must be no more than four years before the application deadline. The applicant must not have been employed by Linköping University previously.
Scholarship may not consist solely of research collaboration with a mutual exchange of methodological and technical expertise but must also contain a well-defined training element and a qualification plan must be established for the scholarship period.
The applicant must have:
PhD in neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, or related discipline
Strong quantitative skills
Prior experience with electrophysiological methods
Strong track record, and a keen enthusiasm for science
Additional skills:
Experience in human psychophysics
Starting date
Desirable May 1st, 2025 with some flexibility
Appointment and Conditions
Appointment is for two years with the potential to extend with up to three years employment afterwards.
The scholarship amounts to SEK 28,500:-/month (tax-free) (~€ 2,650/month). Travel costs to/from Sweden for a scholarship holder will be covered up to a maximum amount. Funding can be available to participate in conferences.
Essential information about healthcare, insurances etc. can be found here. Questions are welcome to lisa.dobrosch@liu.se
Application procedure
The following documents (in pdf-format) must be submitted when applying for a scholarship
Cover letter, max 1 page, describing your background, research interests and what makes you interested in the fellowship.
Qualification plan, max 1 page, describing clearly what qualifications you want to obtain during the scholarship period.
CV, max 4 pages, including contact details to three reference persons.
Full publication list.
Copy of passport, PhD diploma, and MSc transcripts with grades.
The application should be sent electronically to lisa.dobrosch@liu.se. Mark the email with Dnr. BKV-2025-00156 on subject line.
Applications deadline
March 23rd, 2025.