


Immediate opening for a post-doctoral fellow in an exciting interdisciplinary project on the development of untethered microsurgical tools for diagnostics and therapeutics. The project involves the use of both conventional and unconventional microfabrication and nanofabrication to design, fabricate and characterize tiny tools for surgery and drug delivery. The project encompasses exciting new fields such as micro and nanomachines, self-assembly, transient medical devices and robotics and involves close collaborations with Prof. Florin Selaru at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Opportunity to be part of a multidisciplinary team that performed the first ever biopsy with dust sized surgical tools. Our prior research on the topic has been published or highlighted in leading academic, government and press publications (please see the link to our laboratory website for more details). We are looking for a motivated candidate with a strong record of productivity and expertise in materials (deposition and characterization of metals, polymer and hydrogel thin films) and microfabrication (photolithography, molding, 3D printing) techniques broadly of relevance to MEMS, robotics and medicine. Candidate should have good oral and written communication skills. Standard NIH post-doctoral salary rates apply.