


A post-doctoral position is available immediately in the Division of Developmental Biology/Dept. of Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Our research interests are in the areas of developmental and pathological angiogenesis, proliferative retinopathies, tumor angiogenesis, drug and radiation-resistance, and new therapeutic approaches. Our group has been studying an unusual tyrosine phosphatase (EYA) and developing therapeutic strategies related to EYA-mediated angiogenesis and resistance to DNA damaging therapies. For more information please read some of our published studies: Oncogene (2010) 29(25):3715, PLoS One (2013) 8(12):e84582, FEBS Lett (2006) 580(16):3853, Nature (2003) 426(6964):295, Cell Mol Life Sci (2013) 70(11):1897, PLoS One (2012) 7(4):e34806.

Applicants should possess a Ph.D. degree in Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, or related field, and have no more than 3 years of previous postdoctoral experience. For additional information about this position, contact Dr. Rashmi Hegde at the email below.
To apply:
Please email a cover letter including a brief summary of relevant experience, a C.V. including list of publication in peer-reviewed journals, and the names and contact information of 3 people who could provide letters of reference to: Rashmi.hegde@cchmc.org