


The newly established laboratory of Dr Sovan Sarkar at the Institute of Biomedical Research in the College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK, is seeking a talented candidate for the postdoc position of Research Fellow. Broad research themes in the lab encompass studying the role of autophagy in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and hESC-derived disease-relevant human cell types, investigating mechanisms of cellular degeneration in human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-based disease models, and associated drug discovery. Research projects will incorporate the use of high content and confocal microscopy, generation of hiPSCs by reprogramming, genome engineering in hESCs/hiPSCs, differentiation of hESCs/hiPSCs into various cell types, and compound screening, amongst others.

Candidates with a PhD degree can apply for the fully-funded postdoc position of Research Fellow for 2 years. The successful candidate will be encouraged to secure a postdoc fellowship, or will be supported after that through grants of the PI depending on the availability of funding. The candidate should be able to apply knowledge for developing new scientific understanding, contribute to developing new research tools, analyse and interpret data, supervise students, disseminate research findings at seminars and conferences, and help the PI in writing grants and manuscripts. Experience in culturing of hESCs, hiPSCs, as well as in the areas of cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology are required.

Potential postdoc candidates will be supported for applying to the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships.

For informal enquiries about the research themes and projects please contact Sovan Sarkar (e-mail: s.sarkar@bham.ac.uk). Research accomplishments of the principal investigator (PI) can be found at: www.birmingham.ac.uk/sovan-sarkar and http://www.mit.edu/~sarkar/