


Postdoctoral studies in human immune systemmicrobiota : Stockholm, Sweden

Research group and project
The research group at CIM is headed by Tim Willinger and studies the human immune system in vivo
using cutting-edge humanized mouse models (Nat Biotechnol 32:364, 2014). We are using geneticallymodified
mice and mice with a human immune system to investigate immune responses in mucosal
tissues (gut and lung) and the interaction of the immune system with commensal microbes (microbiota)
in health and disease.
1. Generation of mice with a human immune system
2. Functional analysis of mucosal immune system
3. Systems biology analyses using next-generation sequencing
The successful candidate is expected to play a critical role in formulating scientific research hypotheses,
testing the hypotheses using proper study design, analyzing the data, presenting and interpreting the
results, and writing scientific reports and articles in English.
To qualify, the applicant must have a PhD in Immunology or equivalent with publications in
internationally renowned peer-reviewed journals. Merit is given to applicants who are experienced in
multicolor flow cytometry and functional immunological assays. Great advantage is experience in
designing and performing animal experiments and previous work with genetically-modified mice.
The candidate should be highly motivated, have good communication skills, and ability to interact
effectively and work productively in a team. Fluency in English is a requirement.
To be eligible, an applicant must hold a PhD (third cycle) degree.
Selection is made of qualified applicants on the ground of their ability to benefit from doctoral (third
cycle) education. Karolinska Institutet applies the following assessment criteria:
-Documented subject knowledge of significance to the research project
-Analytical skills confirmed by a scientific dissertation or the equivalent
