卢森堡CRP-Santé NorLux 神经肿瘤学实验室招聘肿瘤遗传学博士后
The NorLux Neuro-Oncology Laboratory of CRP-Santé in Luxembourg is offering a postdoctoral position in the area of Precision Medicine for Brain Cancer with a start date in March 2015.
The postdoctoral fellow will focus on the genetic characterization of malignant gliomas to develop personalized treatment approaches. The candidate will study copy number variations, mutational and gene expression profiles to understand tumour heterogeneity and correlate treatment responses to the genetic makeup of the tumour. A strong background in molecular biology, as well as a keen interest in brain tumour research are required. Significant expertise in next generation sequencing, array comparative genomic hybridization and similar relevant molecular technologies, as well as large scale data analysis are an asset. Only candidates with a strong track record and demonstrated ability to perform and publish independent research will be considered. (A detailed job description is available in the ‘job section’ of the website www.crp-sante.lu).
The Norlux Neuro-Oncology Laboratory is a leading research platform in neuro-oncology and offers unique training and research opportunities in the field of brain tumours, including aspects of angiogenesis, invasion, tumour heterogeneity and tumour metabolism using advanced animal models and non-invasive imaging (www.norlux.lu). The laboratory has currently a staff of 18-20 members including postdocs, PhD students, senior researchers and technicians. The laboratory has close links to hospitals and first class collaborators worldwide.
Applications including a cover letter, full curriculum vitae, and statement of research interests should be sent via our website. Upon request, two letters of reference should be sent as well. Scientific and project-related questions can be directly addressed to Dr. SP. Niclou at simone.niclou@crp-sante.lu.
You will find the full job description on our website: www.crp-sante.lu/Jobs2/Jobs-opportunities/Selection…