UCLA is establishing the Institute for Quantitative & Computational Biosciences (QCB) to advance 21st century basic and translational biomedical sciences, by fostering the integration of genomic and systems level experimentation with bioinformatics and computational modeling approaches.
One key component of QCB is the Collaboratory (http://collaboratory.lifesci.ucla.edu): a distinguished group of collaborative postdoctoral fellows, who push the boundaries of the quantitative and computational biosciences. Along with cutting edge research in new data analysis methodologies and their application to important biological questions in their host laboratory, these postdocs also have broad impact and professional experiences within the central Boyer Hall Collaborative space: they dedicate one day a week to developing a portfolio of collaborative work, and they lead six annual tutorial workshops to train students and postdocs within UCLA in the latest next-generation sequence analysis techniques.
The QC Bio Postdoc fellowship is an annual, renewable appointment that comes with an award of $25,000, which may be used by the host laboratory for the post-doctoral salary.
QC Bio Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded from an international applicant pool to the most promising postdoctoral trainees who have already distinguished themselves in computational biology or bioinformatics research of broad impact.
Interested applicants should contact a UCLA host laboratory and PI who will commit to being their sponsor by Dec.1, 2014. Potential PI’s may be found at (but not limited to)
To Apply, e-mail all of the following to collaboratory@lifesci.ucla.edu by Dec.1:
-2-page research proposal
-1-page teaching proposal (see http://collaboratory.lifesci.ucla.edu/workshops)
- two letters of recommendation
- a letter from the sponsoring UCLA PI.
The fellowship start date is January 1st,
For any questions, email brigitta@lifesci.ucla.edu…