


Job Description

Water and Environmental Studies in Urban Settings
The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile invites applications for a full-time faculty position at the “Center for Sustainable Urban Development” (CEDEUS – Project FONDAP / CONICYT). This is a double appointment shared by the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies. The primary affiliation is at the School of Engineering.

CEDEUS is a research center focus on sustainable urban development. The Center brings together researchers from various colleges and departments of the university, and aims to be a space for the creation and exchange of knowledge based on research oriented to increasing the quality of life of urban areas without prejudice to the environment or the natural resources (more details in www.cedeus.cl).

A key component of sustainability is the use and management of natural resources which are critical in urban settings (e.g. water, air, soil and energy). Integrative solutions with minimum impacts on the environment are needed to accomplish the sustainable use of these resources, particularly in a context of growing population and climate change. Water is undoubtedly an essential resource in a city, which is constantly under stress. Thus it becomes imperative to form professionals and researchers who understand the role of water in the city, and its interaction with the territory, the ecosystems and the community.

Duties: The successful applicant’s duties will include conducting research, and teaching (at undergraduate and graduate levels) associated with the topics of interest of CEDEUS.

The candidate must develop, lead and participate in multidisciplinary research projects, with a strong theoretical and experimental component, yet closely linked to the design and development of the built environment, urban planning and sustainable development. These projects are expected to produce new generations of researchers with a global and integrated view on sustainable development, able to work and collaborate with other professionals in the urban context. Also, the candidate must develop strong interdisciplinary teaching. He or she will develop and teach one or more undergraduate courses oriented to expand the disciplinary skills of students with different backgrounds (Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning, Geography, etc.), as well as graduate courses on sustainable urban development, with a solid scientific component.

Requirements: Applicants must hold (or be currently pursuing studies towards) a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Natural Resources, Biology, Ecology, Architecture and Urbanism, or similar. He or she must have a strong background on water resource engineering, environmental sciences or sustainability sciences. Fieldwork and experimental skills in urban setting are highly desirable, as well as previous experience in projects and/or multidisciplinary centers oriented towards sustainable urban development. Modeling capabilities in bio / physical / chemical sciences are also of the highest interest.

Particularly, the candidate must have a proven record in research involving one or more of the following topics:

• Characterization, quantification and modeling of water resources quality and quantity as well as ecosystems and biological communities in urban environments.
• Use of natural systems in the development, implementation and operation of sustainable technologies for water treatment, reuse and recycling, as well as preservation of hydrological regimes of rivers, biological communities, and ecosystem services.
• Planning and integrated management of water resources at the city scale.

Applicants must demonstrate potential for excellence and a strong vocation for all aspects of academic life, be highly motivated to continuously improve their teaching skills, have a genuine interest in getting involved with our graduate programs (specially the doctoral program) and be able to develop and maintain an active research agenda (publications, research grants, etc.). The successful candidate will also be expected to create new undergraduate and graduate courses and teach traditional courses in related areas. It is important that the applicant is able to work collaboratively. Some international experience is also desirable. Candidates do not need to know Spanish at the time of application, but should be prepared to learn the language well enough to begin teaching in Spanish within the first two years.

Application instructions
Candidates should submit the following documents to vacantes-academicas@ing.puc.cl (in the email subject line, please put: “WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES IN URBAN SETTINGS”; see note A) by “August 29th, 2014” (late applications may be considered until the position is filled).

1. A statement of purpose (in Spanish or English) indicating why you should be considered for the vacancy and your plans in the areas of research and teaching. Be as specific as possible, e.g., giving examples of how you aim to transfer your engineering knowledge to undergraduate and graduate students, and detailing potential collaboration networks with other researchers you may have developed or intend to develop in the future.
2. An up-to-date curriculum vitae (in Spanish or English, note B).
3. Copies of your five most relevant ISI publications, if available. Otherwise, include any articles you consider relevant in the context of your application.

In addition, candidates should arrange for three letters of recommendation to be emailed directly by the signatories to vacantes-academicas@ing.puc.cl.

Note A:
You will get an automated response from this email address confirming that your documents have been received.
Note B:
The CV must be organized as follows:
i. Personal background: name, address, contact telephone (with country and city codes), email address, web page (if any).
ii. Educational experience (university or institution, courses taught, years).
iii. Professional experience (employer, duties, years).
iv. Education: list of all degrees or professional titles obtained indicating granting institutions and dates, beginning with your secondary school diploma. If you are currently enrolled in a doctoral program, indicate when you expect to obtain the degree.
v. Research:
a. List of ISI journal publications (see note C).
b. List of other publications such as reports, books or book chapters, conferences attended, research projects participated in, patents, etc.
vi. Other: prizes and awards, computer skills, languages, any other background information that you consider relevant.
Note C:
Please avoid padding the list with other publications, such as non ISI journals, conference presentations and the like. To check whether a journal is included in the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) master list, visit the following web site: http://www.isinet.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jloptions.cgi?PC=master.

Once the complete set of application materials has been received, the applicant will be contacted within two months and informed whether or not his/her application has been accepted for further consideration. If this initial screening is successful, the candidate will be asked to give a lecture on his/her current research topics and attend interviews with faculty members of the CEDEUS, the Dean of the School of Engineering and the Selection Committee.