The Ultrafast Dynamics group of Prof. Steven Johnson at the Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE) at ETH Zurich is seeking a highly motivated researcher in the fields of ultrafast structural dynamics, ultrafast x-ray science and THz photonics.
PostDoc/Scientific assistant (ultrafast structural dynamics, ultrafast x-ray science, THz photonics)
The group is principally concerned with developing novel methods of manipulating the structure and associated properties of solid-state materials that exploit the transient, non-thermal conditions created by the absorption of strong short-pulse radiation. We employ both conventional optical pump-probe methods as well as developing advanced x-ray diffraction and spectroscopic methods to study the transient dynamics of non-equilibrium solids. The specific project for this position focuses on adapting and developing THz and mid-IR pulses with the aim of control over structural transformations in complex materials.
We offer a PostDoc position for one year with a possibility for renewal for up to two additional years. The applicant should have a PhD in physics, electrical engineering, materials science or a related discipline. Experience and technical familiarity with ultrafast lasers, x-ray diffraction and/or specific experience with low-frequency mid-IR or THz sources is highly desirable. The successful candidate must also be willing and able to work effectively in a dynamic team environment, participating in experiments at large-scale x-ray facilities. The position will offer also significant opportunities for developing independent projects along the general lines of the group’s research. The starting date for this position is November 1, 2014.