



Post-doctoral researcher (m/f/d) in Marine Microbial Natural Product Chemistry


Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR)


GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Wischhofstraße 1-3, 24148 Kiel, Germany


The salary depends on qualification and could be up to the class 13 TVöD-Bund of the German tariff

Closing date

11 Aug 2024

Job Description

We are seeking a skilled and motivated post-doctoral researcher who will work in ecology -driven marine drug discovery project(s). One main task will be the investigation of the (cultivable) microbiome of robust / invasive marine organisms i) to unravel their contribution to the overall fitness of the host organism through production of bioactive secondary metabolites, ii) to identify their potential, simultaneously, for drug discovery against human diseases. Both “one-microbe-at-a-time” and the “Synthetic microbial Community (SynCom)” approaches will be employed for microbial cultivations.

The responsibilities of the candidate will involve innovative cultivation and extraction of marine microorganisms; investigating their chemical capacity by comparative genomics and metabolomics (computational untargeted metabolomics using LC-MS/MS-based molecular networks); fractionation of the extracts; LC-MS and bioactivity-guided isolation and structure elucidation of the purified metabolites. The candidate will supervise/train students and maintain analytical equipment. He:She will cooperate with other large collaborative projects of the research group.

Requirements for successful application are:

A diploma and a PhD in (marine) microbial natural product chemistry

Hands-on experience and a strong understanding of metabolomics/dereplication of natural products by LC-MS/MS (preferably by molecular networks)

Solid experience in purification of natural products (by HPLC and other chromatographic methods)

High competence in structure elucidation of natural products (1D and 2D NMR, HRMS, other spectroscopic and computational methods)

Experience in writing first author-publications, high publication track record in scientific journals and conference presentations

Excellent communication skills in English (both spoken and written).

Desirable qualifications

Experience in microbial genomics and biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) analyses

Microbiomics (e.g., NGS)

A scientific diving license

A full car driving license

Please submit your application in English no later than 11th August 2024 using the following link:
