
瑞士洛桑大学博士后—3D IPSC培养和神经毒理学


瑞士洛桑大学博士后—3D IPSC培养和神经毒理学

洛桑大学(Université de Lausanne),简称UNIL,是瑞士法语区一所拥有480多年历史的研究型大学,世界大学联盟(WUN)、欧洲大学协会(EUA)、欧洲首都大学联盟(UNICA)成员,主校区坐落于瑞士洛桑日内瓦湖畔。

Post-doctoral position in 3D IPSC cultures and neurotoxicology


University of Lausanne


Lausanne, Canton of Vaud (CH)


Up to 85000 CH per annum

Closing date

5 Aug 2024

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to study myelin disruption in the context of regulatory developmental neurotoxicology. The research will be carried in the group of Marie Gabrielle Zurich under the supervison of Dr. David Pamies, at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

The prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders has risen above 15% globally, posing a significant public health challenge. Environmental toxicants are suspected contributors, but the impact of exposure to xenobiotics during development is not well understood. Current OECD toxicological guidelines are costly, use many animals, and take a long time, leading to calls for non-animal New Approach Methodologies (NAMs). The OECD and EFSA are developing in vitro testing methods to improve and replace animal testing, particularly for developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) based on an in vitro testing battery of assays .Myelin formation has been considered as one of the most important key events occurring during brain development and as a sensitive endpoint by OECD. A 3D organotypic brain model, called BrainSpheres, has been developed using advanced cell cultures and iPSCs. This model can generate a high quantity of consistent BrainSpheres with compact myelin, crucial for brain function. The model has successfully evaluated myelin disruption by known toxicants. The proposal aims to:

●      Adapt the myelin assay for high-throughput analysis.

●      Assess myelin disruption potential of OECD/EFSA chemicals and submit results for model inclusion in test batteries.

●      Incorporate microglia into the model, to evaluate the effects on inflammatory response in myelin disruption.

All the applications may be submitted thought the UNIL platform
