



艾克斯-马赛大学 (法文: Aix-Marseille Université)是一所法国著名的公立研究型大学,学校历史追溯至1409年由普罗旺斯伯爵路易二世建立的艾克斯大学。1968年五月革命后,法国公立大学改革,分别发展成为以文学、艺术和人文科学为主的普罗旺斯大学(艾克斯-马赛第一大学)、以技术医学、理工为主的地中海大学(艾克斯-马赛第二大学)和以经济管理、法律为核心的保罗-塞尚大学(艾克斯-马赛第三大学),三所大学于2012年1月1日起正式合并成为新的艾克斯-马赛大学,于2012年正式入选法国“卓越大学计划”(IDEX),依托法国大型国家工程,“未来投资计划”(Programme d'Investissement D'Avenir)由法国国家研究署(ANR)负责,斥资77亿欧元,是法国的“常春藤联盟”计划。是法国规模最大的大学,也是法语国家和地区最大的大学,每年获得法国政府7.5亿欧元的拨款,是法语国家学术机构中获得预算最多的。

Postdoctoral position in Cultural Mediation Postdoctoral researcher fellow (Fixed-term contract for 23 months) (Funded by A*midex)

RESEARCHER PROFILE: Postdoc / R2: PhD holders

RESEARCH FIELD(S)1: Social Science, Communication

MAIN SUB RESEARCH FIELD OR DISCIPLINES1: Sociology of arts and culture, cultural mediation, and information and communication sciences


As part of the interdisciplinary research project funded by the A*MIDEX foundation – AAP TRANSFERT, PubLiCS – Publics des Lieux Culturels et de la Science (Audiences of Cultural and Science Places), the Observatory of Cultural Audiences and Practices is recruiting, starting from September 2024, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (project-based fixed-term contract)

Presentation of Hosting Labs

The Mediterranean Center for Sociology, Political Science, and History (MESOPOLHIS UMR 7064) is a multidisciplinary unit of social sciences created in January 2021 and placed under the triple supervision of Aix-Marseille University, Sciences Po Aix, and the National Center for Scientific Research. MESOPOLHIS research focuses primarily, but not exclusively, on the Euro-Mediterranean area and extends beyond. Through a mastered interdisciplinarity, these studies delve into the transnational and historical dimensions of contemporary societal changes, privileging, whenever possible, a long-term perspective. The aim is to observe the changes affecting institutional structures and the spatial and cultural dynamics of social worlds. Precisely documented investigation methods contribute to a deeper understanding of the social and political spheres, relying on empirical, spatialized, and longitudinal approaches to objects of inquiry and reflection. Furthermore, the center seeks to deepen the epistemological and interdisciplinary dimensions of both qualitative and quantitative research, with particular attention paid to the role of images in surveys and the writing of social sciences, as well as to the understanding of differences in the inference procedures of each of the constituent disciplines of the unit.

The Observatory of Cultural Audiences and Practices - Science and Society is a project supported and funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation, coordinated within AMU by the Mesopolhis laboratory (UMR 7064). The observatory constitutes a device for quantitative, qualitative, exploratory, and interdisciplinary evaluation, constructed and developed by specialists in the field (researchers, doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers, engineers, etc.). Linked to education through internships and project-based approaches, it meets the need to understand and describe audiences and their experiences in all areas of culture, to better assess and understand the forms of dissemination, mediation devices, and their effects, as well as the appropriation processes at work in the construction of cultural practices.

By proposing to combine scientific rigor and expertise in survey methodology and analysis, the Observatory operates at the interface of scientific research and the cultural sphere. By prioritizing collaborative work with partners and producing tailored and territorialized studies, the Observatory sheds light on public debates and contributes to developing the Science and Society dialogue on cultural issues. It was officially created within Aix-Marseille University in autumn 2021, but its origins date back to 2013, when Marseille was the European Capital of Culture. During this time, a team of researchers developed a series of qualitative surveys, a blog (www.publics.hypotheses.org ), and numerous meetings around the valorization of results.

This dialogue between the academic, artistic, and cultural worlds and society laid the solid foundations for a structure that now meets a growing demand for audience studies (internally and from partners within the AMU perimeter: cultural and leisure structures and institutions, local authorities, networks for the dissemination of scientific culture, etc.). The research, studies, surveys, and expertise produced allow for concrete recommendations in a research-action logic while contributing to the development of fundamental research in the field of cultural audiences and practices.

Presentation of the research project

The PubLiCS (Publics des Lieux Culturels et de la Science) project aims to foster dialogue between academic research and the cultural world in order to: 1) facilitate mutual knowledge and skills transfer regarding cultural practices and audiences (in all their forms); 2) implement strategies and develop initiatives to effectively pursue cultural democratization objectives.

While physical and symbolic, geographical and financial, social and cognitive distances between certain audience categories and cultural, artistic, and scientific offerings have indeed been reduced, tools and measurement formats for assessing impact and understanding the effects of engagement with these offerings often remain quantitative. They are not easily translatable into concrete recommendations and are rarely accompanied by the implementation of context-specific measures. Culture in the project is understood in its broadest sense: artistic, digital, scientific, technical, leisure, sports, corporate, industrial, etc. Places are not only physical spaces but also extend to the metaverse and public spaces in all their diversity.

The actions of PubLiCS are structured around three forms of transfer:

1/ Building "solutions" for qualitative and quantitative surveys (modeled, replicable, and adjustable) for understanding and monitoring audiences and identifying practices.

2/Modeling collaborative forms of science/society partnerships in the cultural field to promote the design, development, and implementation of projects adapted to different situations, territories, projects, and specific contexts.

3/ Developing and designing innovative and exploratory mediation tools, formats, and devices, particularly using digital technologies (e.g., applications/interactive tools), tailored and territorialized for actual and potential audiences.

The investigation and experimentation areas of PubLiCS will be carried out in three types, which constitute structuring research axes for the Observatory of Cultural Audiences and Practices: cultural events taking place within the AMU perimeter, cultural institutions, and partners of AMU, and third places. PubLiCS thus confronts different approaches and methodologies in the study of emerging and current issues in the cultural and scientific realms.

The main research areas on which the postdoctoral researcher will be working involve projects of social, geographical, and cultural transformation at the territorial level in 2024 and 2025: the dissemination and mediation of contemporary art in rural areas (FRAC Sud outside its walls); the construction and circulation of audiences between cultural facilities located in the territory (notably museums in Marseille). The research focuses on analyzing the involved audiences and potential audiences at different territorial scales (neighborhood, city, region) based on specific case studies (events, exhibitions, specific micro-audiences). This work will allow the updating of indicators to measure the effects produced by cultural mediation actions within the framework of the missions of cultural democratization and decentralization at the core of partner institutions. It will also enable the observation of impact in terms of representations, cultural practices, and leisure. The territorial anchoring of the research also requires openness to a comparative approach and to putting case studies into perspective with current debates in sociology of culture, sociology of contemporary art, cultural mediation, and participatory sciences.

The missions of the postdoctoral researcher

Conducting research on projects related to social, geographical, and cultural transformation at the territorial level.

Analyzing the dissemination and mediation of contemporary art in rural areas, particularly focusing on the FRAC Sud outside its walls.

Investigating the construction and circulation of audiences between cultural facilities located in the territory, with a special emphasis on museums in Marseille.

Analyzing the involved audiences and potential audiences at different territorial scales (neighborhood, city, region) through specific case studies (events, exhibitions, specific micro-audiences).

Updating indicators to measure the effects produced by cultural mediation actions within the framework of missions of cultural democratization and decentralization at partner institutions.

Observing the impact of cultural mediation actions in terms of representations, cultural practices, and leisure activities.

Conducting comparative analyses and contextualizing case studies with current debates in sociology of culture, sociology of contemporary art, cultural mediation, and participatory sciences.






WORK LOCATION(S): MMSH, 5 rue du Château de l'Horloge, 13097 Aix en Provence Cedex 2. The research areas are located in Marseille.


Possibility of partial telecommuting.

Remuneration according to the salary scale of fixed-term contracts at Aix Marseille Université, based on experience.

Additional information: The Euraxess Center of Aix-Marseille Université informs foreign visiting professors, researchers, postdoc and PhD candidates about the administrative steps to be undertaken prior to arrival at AMU and the various practical formalities to be completed once in France: visas and entry requirements, insurance, help finding accommodation, support in opening a bank account, etc. More information on AMU EURAXESS Portal


The postdoctoral researcher must hold a PhD in one of these disciplines, with an interdisciplinary perspective. They should demonstrate solid field experience in the field of cultural institutions, contemporary art, audiences, and cultural mediation in particular. Proficiency in socio-ethnographic inquiry techniques and audience studies, as well as qualitative and quantitative methods, is essential. Professional experience in the arts and culture sectors, museums, and knowledge of the local cultural environment would be an asset.

Other skills: fluency in French for conducting interviews and constructing questionnaires (proficiency in English and other languages would be a plus), project management, organizational skills, initiative, and autonomy. Ability to work in a team and with a variety of stakeholders (academic communities, professional networks, actors in the arts and cultural sectors, audiences, etc.).


The application (in pdf format) should include: a detailed CV, a motivation letter (max 2 pages), a concise presentation (max 2 pages) of research areas and experiences relevant to the position.

Applications must be submitted by email no later than June 16, 2024.

Interviews for selected candidates will take place at the end of June 2024, either via video conference or in person.

Selection criteria

Experiences of collaboration with cultural institutions

Experiences in cultural mediation of art

Experiences in designing and conducting sociological surveys

Experiences in supervising students

Experiences and skills related to science-society dialogue


The application package should be sent to: Sylvia Girel, Professor, Coordinator of the Observatory for Publics and Cultural Practices: sylvia.girel@univ-amu.fr
