



瑞典农业科学大学(瑞典文:Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet)是瑞典乃至北欧最好的农业大学,注册教职工及管理人员3080人(其中教授241人,学者及研究人员714人),学生为3812人(据2015年统计),图书馆藏书8万多册,期刊700余种。

Postdoctoral Researcher in Physiology and Ecology of Denitrification

SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Uppsala, Sweden

About the position

Denitrification is a multi-step process associated with both the production and consumption of the potent greenhouse gas N2O. Studying how organisms with the ability to complete different or similar steps of the process provides an interesting platform for evaluating multispecies interactions. The roles of the postdoc will be to generate data on the drivers and consequences of variation in the denitrification trait within soil communities by designing and implementing microcosm experiments and completing single cell RNA sequencing, and to analyse and publish the resultant data.

The postdoc will join a dynamic and internationally recognized team working at the biogeochemical interface of soil organic matter dynamics. Furthermore, the project will be conducted in collaboration with the Soil Microbiology group within the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology at SLU, Uppsala.

Your profile

The successful candidate must hold a PhD in the biological sciences focused on molecular biology, microbial physiology/metabolism, microbial ecology, or another relevant subject.

The candidate should have documented experience with bacterial cultivation and molecular biology. Knowledge and previous experience of work with anaerobic microbiology, bioinformatics, transcriptomics or physiology of N-cycling microorganisms are considered merits. The applicant shall have documented capabilities of autonomous scientific research work and skills in writing scientific publications and good ability in English, both orally and written. We are looking for a highly motivated, open-minded and flexible candidate who will contribute positively to the development of the research environment, and personal fit will be an essential part of the selection process.

Postdoctoral appointments are career‐developing positions for junior researchers, and we are therefore primarily looking for candidates with a doctoral degree that is at most three years old (excluding breaks for parental or medical leave).
