南安普顿大学(University of Southampton,勋衔Soton),世界百强名校,英国顶尖学府,是罗素大学集团、世界大学联盟、科学与工程南联盟、国际大学气候联盟、RENKEI、世界港口城市大学联盟、欧洲大学协会与英联邦大学协会成员。始建于1862年,主校区位于南安普顿。
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Physical Oceanography
University of Southampton
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Physical Oceanography
Location: National Oceanography Centre Southampton Salary: £34,980 to £37,099 Per annum Full Time Fixed Term for 24 months Closing Date: Monday 28 August 2023 Interview Date: To be confirmed Reference: 2386723HN
Ocean and Earth Science at the National Oceanography, Southampton (NOCS) is seeking to recruit a Research Fellow in Physical Oceanography to undertake research on the physical and biogeochemical processes governing the North Atlantic carbon sink. The role will focus on the analysis of a range of oceanographic measurements collected in the North Atlantic within the C-Streams (‘The Gulf Stream control of the North Atlantic carbon sink') consortium. These observations will be performed via two field campaigns, including the deployment of autonomous systems and moorings along the Gulf Stream.
The successful applicant will work as part of a team examining the physical and biogeochemical mechanisms controlling the North Atlantic carbon sink. The C-Streams programme involves an active sea-going oceanographic group, experts in remote sensing, ocean modellers and climate dynamicists, and is strongly motivated by the rapid drawdown of atmospheric carbon at the northern flank of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre in recent decades. The NOCS team will work closely with scientists at project partner institutions in the UK (e.g., University of Liverpool) and internationally (e.g., University of Miami).
Applicants should have a PhD or equivalent in physical oceanography (or a related field) with experience in the interpretation of oceanographic observations. A good knowledge of ocean mixing would be beneficial. Strong quantitative and communication skills, and the ability to conduct innovative research leading to high-impact publications in international refereed journals are essential.
Applications for Research Fellow positions will be considered from candidates who are working towards or nearing completion of a relevant PhD qualification. The title of Research Fellow will be applied upon successful completion of the PhD. Prior to the qualification being awarded the title of Senior Research Assistant will be given.
This position is being offered on a full-time, fixed-term basis for 24 months.
Informal enquiries can be made to Prof. Alberto Naveira Garabato on 023 8059 2680 or e-mail acng@soton.ac.uk.
Application Procedure :
The application deadline is midnight on the closing date stated above. If you need assistance, call Recruitment on +44 (0) 23 8059 2750, or email recruitment@soton.ac.uk. Quote reference 2386723HN on all correspondence.