



奥塔哥大学(University of Otago),位于新西兰南岛奥塔哥省首府达尼丁市,成立于1869年,是新西兰第一所大学,世界顶尖大学,也是新西兰唯一能够提供消费者与应用科学、牙医学、人类营养学、药学、体育、理疗及测量学等专业的综合性大学。学校是英联邦大学协会成员。

Postdoctoral Fellow in Computer Science

University of Otago

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the field of 3D Shape Analysis, combining Deep Learning with ‘traditional' geometric and statistical approaches to Computer Vision. This is a fully funded position at the University of Otago, New Zealand.

This position is part of the project 3D Shape Analysis with Geometric Declarative Networks, supported by the Royal Society / Te Apārangi through the Marsden Fund. The project will advance 3D shape analysis, going beyond current coarse classification methods to fine-grained classification on the basis of shape alone. To achieve this, we will use recently proposed declarative network architectures to integrate collaborative representations and geometric deep learning. This combination will allow more detailed analysis of 3D objects. In particular we will be able to distinguish broadly similar objects on the basis of local shape features. Our initial application is in archaeology, specifically traditional Māori stone tool manufacture. Subtle variations in the waste flakes from this process make them an ideal target for our proposed methods.

You will carry out cutting-edge research combining the latest advances in deep learning with proven techniques using more ‘traditional' algorithms. You will have the opportunity to both direct this research and to work as part of a team to develop, evaluate, and disseminate novel algorithms and to improve our understanding of how the benefits of machine learning approaches can be integrated with concrete geometric understanding of the computer vision process. In particular, you will be responsible for developing proof-of- concept systems that demonstrate the integration of geometric deep learning with traditional computer vision algorithms in a declarative network.

Your skills and experience/Kā pūkeka me kā wheako

You will have a PhD (or PhD nearing completion) in Computer Science or a related discipline with a specialisation in computer vision, artificial intelligence, or a similar area. Bringing an understanding of both recent deep learning methods and ‘traditional' approaches, you will be able to develop novel algorithms and systems for 3D shape analysis, evaluate their effectiveness, and communicate your results.

Prior experience with 3D shape analysis, and working with culturally sensitive data, and deep learning / computer vision libraries are beneficial as well.

Further details/Pūroko

This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), fixed term (one year) position, primarily located in Dunedin. The expected start date is flexible in the second half of 2023.

The salary for this position is on the Postdoctoral Fellow salary scale of $82,460.

Specific enquiries about this position may be directed to Associate Professor Steven Mills, via the contact details below.


Candidates are requested to submit the following: • Cover letter. • CV. • Names and addresses of at least two referees.

To submit your application please click the apply button below. Applications quoting reference number 2300712 will close on Sunday, 21 May 2023.

Additional Information

Contact: Associate Professor Steven Mills

Position details: Information Statement

Guidelines for Academic Positions: Guidelines

Further Information: Department Website

Create an email with a link to this vacancy: Create email

Location: About Dunedin

Primary Location


Employment Status

Fixed Term

Salary Level and Range

Postdoctoral Fellow ($82,460)


Computer Science

Job Function

