



Associate Professorship In Deep Sea Marine Aggregates

University Of Southern Denmark


Associate Professorship in Deep Sea Marine Aggregates

At the Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, we seek a colleague with an expertise in microbial ecology and biogeochemistry. The position is a 30% part time position offered at the level of associated professor from 1 April 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter. Application deadline: 2 March 2021.

Danish Center for Hadal Research, HADAL, is a centre of excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation, exploring the biogeochemistry and microbiology of hadal trenches. We are looking for a person who has a proven record of investigating diagenetic processing and nitrogen cycling in sediments and microbial aggregates. Experience with micro sensing technology, 15N incubation approaches and high-pressure effects on microbial performance is mandatory. The successful candidate will be part of a team exploring pelagic and benthic carbon and nitrogen turn-over as a function of hydrostatic pressure.

The selected candidate will also work within the wider research group of the Nordcee centre that focus on the dynamics of modern ecosystems as they control the cycling of bioactive elements on both local and global scales, and the evolution of biogeochemical cycling over geologic time. Opportunities for interaction also include other members of the Department of Biology and in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

The selected candidate will be expected to have and further develop an internationally recognized research profile. Teaching responsibilities include upper-level courses in biogeochemistry and microbial ecology, as well as lower-level basic courses in biology.

Applications will be assessed by an expert assessment committee. Each applicant will be informed about the assessment made by the committee. As part of the overall assessment of the applicant's qualifications, an interview may be applied.

Additional information about the position is available from Ronnie N. Glud tel. (+45) 6550 2784; e-mail: rnglud@biology.sdu.dk.

Application, salary etc. Appointment to the position will be in accordance with the salary agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. Please check links for more information on salary and taxation.

Applications will be assessed by an expert committee. When the expert committee issues its assessment, the applicants will be sent the portion of the assessment pertaining to them personally.

The application must include: • A curriculum vitae • A full list of publications • Copies of all publications on which the applicant wishes to be evaluated • A brief survey of the applicant's most important research results and research plans for the next three years • A teaching portfolio.

Shortlisting may be used in the assessment process.

Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will neither be considered nor evaluated.

An interview may be included as a part of the overall assessment of the applicant's qualifications.

Applications must be submitted electronically using the link "Apply online". Attached files must be in Adobe PDF or Word format. Each box can only contain a single file of max. 10 Mb. We strongly recommend that you read How to apply before you apply.

Since not all members of the appointment committee are Danish-speaking, it is recommended that your application is submitted in English.

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

Further information for international applicants about entering and working in Denmark.

Campus: Odense

Application deadline: 02/03/2021