
访问学者博士后预防流感季来袭(Watch out for the Flu Season)



Watch out for the Flu Season


  If visit abroad to work as a visiting scholar or a post-doc is during the winter, it is very likely that you will face the ‘flu’ season. As temperature drops and the weather conditions become increasingly rough, winter is usually the season where people get sick more often. The 2 most common winter problems are the flu (influenza) and common colds. It is especially important that you prevent these diseases as they can affect or prevent you from attending work.


  Is the Flu or a Common Cold?  究竟是流感还是普通感冒呢?      

  A common cold and the flu may seem similar but they are not; they are caused by different types of viruses. If you are feeling a little under the weather you may be able to buy some OTC (Over-the-Counter) medicine from a local pharmacy. However, if you have an infectious disease such as a strep throat, you will need to take antibiotics, which are only sold in the US territory with a medical prescription.


  Working abroad in a Medical position? What happens if you get sick?  


  If you are working as a post-doc or a visiting scholar in a hospital, clinic or any kind of medical facility you may need to follow stricter regulations concerning sick leave. Each center has its own regulations, so be sure to check with the administrative department about getting sick leave if you have a contagious cold or an infectious disease.


  Medical professionals should avoid coming to work while sick, an occurrence that’s been identified as “presenteeism.” Not only does working while sick make you less productive, but it can pose a significant risk to patients and cause illness to spread among colleagues and other hospital staff.

  任何医护职工都不得带病工作,英语中有专门的词语presenteeism来称呼带病工作这一现象 。带病工作不仅工作效率低下,而且还会给病人带来一定的风险,同时也增加了在医院同事之间交叉传播的风险。

  IMPORTANT! à Medical professionals who may be doing clinical observation during their visit abroad, and their observation involves patients who are: immunocompromised, infants, people who have been diagnosed with cancer or have recently undergone an organ transplant, should be especially diligent when it comes to staying away from work while sick. These patients are more susceptible to illness and may be at greater risk for having diseases transmitted to them than most.

  注意 à许多医护科研工作者在海外做博士后或者访学期间,很可能会参与临床观摩,期间会接触到免疫功能低下的病人、婴儿,以及一些患癌症、或者最近刚完成器官移植的病人,在您患病期间更要避免和他们接触。相比普通人,这类群体患病的风险更高。

  Did you moved abroad with your family? What happens if your kid gets sick?


  Infants and young children are at greater risk of getting seriously ill from the flu. That's why in the United States local governments along with their corresponding Departments of Health recommend that all children 6 months and older get the flu vaccine.


  Be aware that educational centers have their own policies and regulations regarding sick children. Many schools, kindergartens and daycare facilities do not allow sick children to attend to school. If they notice your kid has the flu or a cold, it is very likely they will call you and ask you to pick up your kid immediately from school to take him/her home.


  How to prevent getting sick? 如何避免生病?

  v  Get vaccinated against the influenza (flu shot).

  v  Stay at least three feet away from anyone who's coughing or sneezing.

  v  Keep your hands away from your face — especially from your mouth and nose.

  v  Wash your hands with soap constantly.

  v  Wear a mask.

  v  流感疫苗接种。

  v  远离咳嗽或者打喷嚏的人,保持距离在3英尺以上。(3英尺约为1米)

  v  切记不要用手触摸自己的脸——特别是嘴巴和鼻子。

  v  经常用肥皂洗手。

  v  带口罩。
