Postdoctoral fellow positions at the Department of Genetics: Philadelphia, PA, United States
Two postdoctoral positions for wet (experimental), dry (computational), or hybrid biologists are available in the interdisciplinary lab of Dr. Golnaz Vahedi. The Vahedi laboratory is part of the Department of Genetics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. We are a core member of the Epigenetics Institute (https://goo.gl/GnaZdx), a member of the Institute for Immunology (https://goo.gl/Vi2jAP), a member of the Institute for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism (https://www.med.upenn.edu/idom/) and a senior member of Institute for Biomedical Informatics (http://upibi.org/). Our laboratory is multidisciplinary, integrating computational and experimental approaches to develop a single to collective cell understanding of gene regulation in immune cells. We blend epigenomics, human and mouse genetics, immunology, and computational biology to pursue a new understanding of gene regulation in the immune system. We use bulk assays including ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, and chromatin conformation assays such as HiChIP, in addition to cutting-edge single-cell genomic assays such as single-cell (sc)ATAC-seq and scRNA-seq or the single-cell Oligopaint imaging technique.
We recently discovered the 3D genome reconfiguration associated with type 1 diabetes exploiting latest molecular and optical techniques. Another publication from the lab featured on the cover of the Cell Press journal of Immunity accompanied with a News and Views article demonstrates our multidisciplinary research program: https://goo.gl/xW7nmf.
Computational candidates are required to hold a PhD in computer science, engineering, bioinformatics or related programs. Expertise in machine learning and statistics in addition to programing in Python and R in a Unix environment is required. Experience in genomics and epigenomics will be viewed favorably. Experimental candidates are required to hold a PhD in molecular biology or biochemistry.
Further information about our lab could be found at http://vahedilab.github.io/LabSite/
Interested applicants should submit a CV to vahedilab.jobs@gmail.com