Job description:
TTP consists of three faculty members (K. Melnikov, U. Nierste and M. Steinhauser), one permanent scientific staff member (M. Blanke), thirteen postdoctoral fellows and several graduate students. Current interests of the members of the Institute include hadron and lepton collider physics, Higgs boson physics, perturbative QCD, flavor physics, weak interactions, top quark physics, physics beyond the Standard Model and development and application of advanced computational methods in perturbative Quantum Field Theory.
TTP participates in the Collaborative Research Center “Particle Physics Phenomenology after the Higgs Discovery”, which provides an umbrella grant for research in theoretical particle physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, RWTH Aachen, the University of Siegen and the University of Heidelberg. TTP is further part of the KIT Center for Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics (KCETA) (and the associated doctoral school KSETA) that also comprises the Institute for Theoretical Physics whose members are involved in research in collider physics and quantum field theory and the Institute for Experimental Particle Physics whose members participate in the CMS experiment at CERN and the Belle II experiment at KEK. Several groups at KIT are involved in astroparticle physics research. Further information about particle physics in Karlsruhe can be found at www.ttp.kit.edu and www.kceta.kit.edu.