


Postdoctoral Researcher : Cologne, Germany

As a modern maximum-care hospital with a capacity of approximately 1,400 beds, the University Hospital of Cologne is dedicated to the practice of innovative academic medical excellence and assumes important societal functions in the fields of research, education and health care. The University Hospital of Cologne provides treatment to over 295,000 patients annually, with 58,000 of them receiving inpatient care. With a staff of about 10,200 employed by the hospital and subsidiary organizations, the University Hospital of Cologne is one of the largest employers in Cologne and ranks among the leading university clinics in Germany.

The Nephrological Research Laboratory of the Dept. 2 for Internal Medicine at the Uniklinik Köln is seeking applications for a full-time

Postdoctoral Researcher

to be employed under a limited-time contract (until 30 March 2018; third-party funding) as soon as possible.

We offer a position in a state-of-the art research laboratory, in the framework of which we conduct basic research regarding kidney diseases and employing the latest methods in molecular and cellular biology as well as using a number of different model organisms. Our young and motivated team is now looking for a dedicated Postdoc to work on the role of non-coding RNAs and RNA-binding proteins in renal aging and the prevention from acute kidney injury.

Your responsibilities will include:

  • a mouse-model of acute kidney injury
  • cell culture
  • molecular cloning
  • confocal microscopy
  • state-of-the-art techniques regarding the analysis of RNA-RNA and RNA-protein interactions (such as PAR-CLIP and PopomR)

Minimum qualifications:

  • good knowledge on standard techniques in molecular biology like molecular cloning SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting RNA- and DNA-purification and analysis
  • previous experience in working with mouse models would be preferable

Your salary will be based on TV-L.

The Board of Directors of the University Hospital of Cologne places strong emphasis on gender equality and seeks to increase the proportional representation of women in this field. Thus applications from female scientists are welcome; suitably qualified women will be given preferential consideration unless other candidates clearly demonstrate superior qualifications.

We also welcome applications from disabled candidates, who will also be given preferential consideration over other applicants with comparable qualifications.

The position is suitable for staffing with part-time employees.

Please address telephone enquiries to Anja Kirsch at +49 221 478-84449

Further information is available on the internet at http://nephrologie.uk-koeln.de/nephrologische-forschung/nephrolab-cologne

Have we awakened your interest? Please submit your application (including a detailed CV, list of publications, two references and a brief statement of research interests) here online

We prefer online applications, but you also have the opportunity to apply via regular mail quoting the reference number e160 until June 15th 2015 to

Uniklinik Köln
Klinik II für Innere Medizin
Nephrologisches Forschungslabor
Dr. Roman-Ulrich Müller
Ausschreibungsnummer e160
50924 Köln …