


PhD Studentship - Chemical Biology Analysis of Molecular Links between Epigenetic Regulation and Energy Metabolism

University of Nottingham - School of Chemistry

Applications are invited for a fully funded (3 year) PhD studentship in chemical biology / organic chemistry at the University of Nottingham working in the research group of Dr Christoph Loenarz.


The project will involve an interdisciplinary approach aimed at pushing the frontiers in ‘epigenetics’ research from a chemical biology perspective. The student will investigate whether post-translational modifications to proteins that package genomic DNA on chromosomes are directly connected to energy metabolism (BBSRC-funded). Although epigenetic regulation via chromatin modifications such as histone lysine methylation attracted significant interest over the last decade (hundreds of high impact papers and patents), its links with metabolism have largely been ignored. This raises the interesting question whether ‘epigenetic’ modifications, such as histone lysine methylation, are directly connected to energy metabolism (e.g. Loenarz & Schofield, Trends Biochem Sci 2011). We have identified one such molecular connection, and are investigating its potential importance in relating histone modifications to pathophysiologically relevant metabolism.

Clinical Relevance

The developed insights will be of potential relevance to several diseases including diabetic neuropathy, atherosclerosis, and decreased bone mass / mineral density.


The project will use an interdisciplinary chemical biology approach featuring a broad range of methods, including highly sensitive mass spectrometry analysis methods, cellular work (yeast genetics and human cell lines), small molecule inhibitors, and biochemical assays such as Western blots with well-validated antibodies. This project will hence provide the student with excellent training in a broad range of techniques spanning molecular biochemistry, chemical biology, modern analytical techniques, cell biology, and yeast genetics. Students will also have the opportunity to work with industrial pharmaceutical collaborators.


Candidates should hold, or are expected to achieve, a first class or upper second class Masters degree, or equivalent, in Chemistry, Biochemistry or a related discipline.

Please note that this studentship is only available for Home/EU students.

Interested students are welcome to contact Christoph with an informal enquiry, or for a full PhD project outline: christoph.loenarz@chem.ox.ac.uk


Queries should be directed to Samantha Offiler (Samantha.Offiler@nottingham.ac.uk) and applications made via www.nottingham.ac.uk/pgstudy/apply/apply-online.aspx and should include a two page CV and cover letter stating your reasons for wanting to complete a PhD, your academic and non-academic strengths and any other background information that you wish to include.

The School values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.  The School of Chemistry holds a Bronze Athena SWAN Award in recognition of our commitment to advancing women's careers in science. You can read more about what this means at  www.athenaswan.org.uk and on our website www.nottingham.ac.uk/chemistry/about/athena-swan.aspx