


The Dept. of Visceral, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery at the University Hospital Dresden is one of the leading surgical departements for cancer treatment in Europe. Implemented within the department is the Surgical Research Lab, which links molecular science with patient oriented research. The lab is part of several research initiatives joining oncological and stem cell labs on the Dresden University Campus, including the Center for Regererative Therapies Dresden (CRTD) and the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG).

From the 1st of April, 2015 the following position is vacant:

Postdoc (m/f)
in full-time employment. The salary is according to the TV-L dispositions. Contract is limited for 48 months.

Within the Surgical Research Lab, our group concentrates on adult stem cells of the gastro-intestinal tract, the Research field the group leader Daniel Stange has focused on since his PhD in the laboratory of Prof. Hans Clevers in Utrecht, The Netherlands. We are interested in the biology of theses stem cells in normal homeostasis, tissue regeneration and malignant transformation. We use state of the art technologies such as conditional mouse lines and 3D cultures (so called organoids) of mouse and human material to tackle our research questions. The two offered positions for a Postdoc and a PhD are funded by the German Cancer Aid (Max Eder Research Grant).

Your tasks:
• analyze the niche factors of adult stomach stem cells
• generate new mouse models to investigate the niche
• analyze stem cell based in vivo mouse models of stomach cancer
• manipulate using retrovirus and CRISPR/Cas organoid cultures
• analyze and treat human stomach cancer organoids

Your profile:
• doctoral degree or equivalent in biology, biomedicine or related sciences
• strong background in cell biology / molecular biology
• experience in mouse work

We are looking for a highly motivated Postdoc candidate with a strong passion for science interested to work in a dynamic team. Excellent English language skills are beneficial. Applicants are encouraged to send their CV as well as names and phone numbers of two referees. Looking forward to your application!
A "must read" before applying: Pubmed ID 24120136 and 22138822

Severely disabled persons are explicitly encouraged to apply.