Postdoctoral Position in Structural Proteomics : Leuven, Belgium
The Laboratory of Molecular Bacteriology, Rega Institute, KU Leuven (http://rega.kuleuven.be/bac/index) wishes to recruit a postdoctoral fellow. We study protein trafficking through the Sec and the Type III secretion systems (Saio
2014 Science 344, 6184; Gouridis 2013 Molecular Cell 52, 655; Papanastasiou 2013 Molecular Cellular Proteomics 12, 599; Chen 2011 Molecular Cell 44, 734; Gouridis 2009 Nature 462, 363; Gelis 2007
Cell 131, 756). We use multi-disciplinary approaches that combine enzymology, protein chemistry, molecular genetics, biophysics, structural biology and mass spectrometry. The position will involve the study the characterization, conformation and contacts of multi-protein complexes involved in protein trafficking in laboratory and/or pathogenic bacterial strains.
The position will involve the study the characterization, conformation and contacts of multi-protein complexes involved in protein trafficking in laboratory and/or pathogenic bacterial strains. Successful candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in structural proteomics including HDX-MS, native and Ion Mobility-MS, cross-linking-MS or in bottom-up or top-down proteomics. Available MS equipment includes a Waters Synapt G2 equipped with a nanoAcquity UPLC and HDX capabilities, a Thermo Orbitrap Q Exactive equipped with a Dionex3000 nanoUPLC, a Brucker microQ-TOF, and an UltraflexII MALDI-ToFToF mass spectrometer.