

A postdoctoral position is available immediately on a project that focuses on the effects of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in intestinal tract. The study is focused to elucidate the mechanism of how LPA regulates intestinal inflammation and epithelial repair. The qualified candidate should have working knowledge of immunology, gastrointestinal tract, G protein-coupled receptors, and signal transduction. Prior experience working with small animals is required. The proposed study uses state of art molecular, cellular, and physiological techniques.

The hired Postdoc should be able to carry out experiments independently as well as work together with other lab personnel. Preference is given to an early stage postdoc (< 2 yrs) with prior experience and training in oncology and cellular biology. The postdoc will work primarily at the Emory VA Medical Center but is expected to interact with other personnel at Emory University campus.