The Linus Pauling Distinguished Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is accepting qualified candidate applications from recent and upcoming PhD Graduates in Science & Engineering, who wish to conduct research on a project of their choice. Candidates will be required to submit the following items as one PDF uploaded attachment when applying to this position: 1.Cover letter 2.Current CV 3.Statement of Research Interests (including reasoning on why PNNL is a good place to carry out your studies) 4.Written Response to each of the following questions (please include views from your own research interests as well as a wider scope across your field): -What is the most interesting/challenging problem in your field today? What intrigues you most about this problem? -What do you think it will take to solve that problem (do we need to invent new tools, new algorithms, push the bounds of detection limits)? What will it take and how would you propose to engage or participate? -If that problem were already solved, what would the impact be on you? On science? On society? |