


We are seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral fellow to study regeneration of pancreatic beta-cells as an approach to curing diabetes. The lab uses chemical screening techniques in zebrafish larvae to identify and characterize compounds, signalling pathways and cellular mechanisms that can promote β-cell regeneration. We then validate our initial findings by changing the stage (larvae vs adult), approach (chemical vs genetic), and model organism (zebrafish vs mouse). For examples of how the research can be conducted, see:
Andersson et al., Cell Metabolism 2012 Jun 6;15(6):885-94:
Gut et al., Nature Chemical Biology 2012 In press:
The zebrafish are amenable to efficient transgenesis and high-resolution imaging. We will make use of these properties and generate transgenic zebrafish for single-cell analysis of phenotypes.
The successful applicant will have a strong background in cell and molecular biology or physiology, and a keen interest in beta-cell regeneration in zebrafish and mice. A documented ability to independently carry out experimental research projects is required, as are good communication skills in spoken and written English. Experience with zebrafish or mouse models is of advantage.
Stipend is available for an initial period of two years.

Qualifications of the applicant
We are looking for highly motivated, independent and driven candidates, with at least one first authorship publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
A person is eligible if he or she has obtained a PhD outside Sweden no more than two years before the start of the postdoc studies. Postgraduates who have yet to graduate may apply if their dissertation is scheduled to take place within six months after the application deadline.