


Postdoctoral Fellow: ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions

University of Melbourne - Faculty of Arts

School of Historical and Philosophical Studies

The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions (CHE) is a major research initiative with the lead organisation The University of Western Australia, and spread across four other Australian universities, one of which is The University of Melbourne. CHE fosters collaboration between researchers and industry partners from different disciplines and institutions across Australia and internationally.

In collaboration with the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, University of Melbourne, the Centre seeks to appoint a postdoctoral research fellow to contribute to research projects in the history of emotions (Europe,1100-1800). Working together with Professor Charles Zika the successful candidate will develop a project exploring the field of emotions and visual culture, c.1450–1750. The project might focus on such topics as: the impact of religious and political change on the emotional deployment of visual objects in the devotional, ceremonial and festive life of European communities; the passions of iconoclasm as a motor of religious, social or political change; the emotional rhetoric of visual media in advancing propaganda and polemic, legitimating religious and political authority, or stereotyping religious, ethnic or social groups; the emoti