


Postdoctoral fellowship in Organic and Analytical Chemistry
Knowledge area: Natural Products and Mass spectrometry
Project: Standardized Herbal Medicines for the treatment of chronic diseases
Performance area: Natural Products Chemistry
Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Wagner Vilegas
Institution: Campus Experimental do Litoral Paulista (CLP/Unesp).
Partner Institution: Instituto de Química de Araraquara/Unesp
Published in: June, 23. 2014.
Deadline for applications: July, 23. 2014.

The thematic project "Standardized Herbal Medicines for the treatment of chronic diseases", supported by FAPESP, has a vacancy for post-doctoral research at the Campus Experimental do Litoral Paulista, of Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP).

The project aims to develop standardized plant extracts that may be used for the treatment of chronic diseases, in order to obtain subsidies to assist the National Policy and the implementation of Herbal Medicinal Plants in SUS. Within this context, the candidate must submit post-doctoral experience in analysis by chromatography (gas and liquid) as well as spectral analysis (NMR, IR, UV and MS), with emphasis on Mass Spectrometry in Analytical and Organic Chemistry. The focus will be to support the work being developed by the group, involving subjects: 1) Optimize analytical methodologies based on liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, for the preconcentration, detection and quantification of secondary metabolites presents in extracts of vegetation origin; 2) Correlating chemical structure of metabolites with potential activities detected by tests carried out group involved in the design theme, for example mutagenic, antitumoral, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, phytoestrogenic, among others. The group of researches involved in this project conglomerates multidisciplinary knowledge in frontier areas of exact and biological sciences, important for the advancement of the area. The value of the scholarship postdoctoral FAPESP is R$ 5.908,80 per month and will be available for a period of twelve months.