


Professorship in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics


The Faculty of Science of the University of Zurich invites applications for a


Professorship in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics


The new professor should have broad interests and is expected to establish and lead a strong activity pursuing vigorous research in the area of theoretical condensed matter physics. The successful candidate will find a stimulating environment with state-of-the-art experimental research in a wide field of condensed matter physics and in other related fields (see http://www.physik.uzh.ch/e/research.shtml). The University of Zurich provides generous research support, including

earmarked funds for personnel and running expenses, and competitive start-up packages. Switzerland offers excellent opportunities for external funding of research.


In teaching at both undergraduate and graduate level the new professor will stimulate the interest of the students for basic and applied physics research. Undergraduate teaching language is German or English, graduate education is in English.


The position will be filled preferentially at the assistant professor tenure-track level. Applications from outstanding senior candidates will also be considered. The University of Zurich is an equal opportunity employer.


Candidates are invited to submit an application package including curriculum vitae, list of publications and personal conference contributions, outline of current and future research interests, teaching philosophy and names and addresses of three potential referees. Documents should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmid, Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Zurich, and uploaded as a single PDF file at  www.mnf.uzh.ch/tcmp by 31 July 2014. For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Jürg Osterwalder via o osterwal@physik.uzh.ch .