



Postdoctoral Research Associate


University of Virginia School of Medicine - Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology


Charlottesville, Virginia


$61,008 salary + benefits

Closing date

11 May 2025

The Cliffe lab in the UVA School of Medicine is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work on the mechanisms of Herpes Simplex Virus latent infection in neurons. Specifically, the candidate will investigate the epigenetic regulation of HSV latency and reactivation. Multiple projects are available, based on strong preliminary data, and are funded by NIH grants. The projects will inform on how the virus establishes latent infection with the capacity to undergo reactivation, in addition to using the virus to inform on epigenetic processes in neurons.

More details about the Cliffe lab can be found here https://mic.med.virginia.edu/cliffe/

The ideal candidates will have a Ph.D. with experience in relevant areas of biology, first-author publication(s), and the ability to work well in a highly interactive, creative, and collaborative environment.

Duties Include:

Full-time research or scholarship at the University.

Supervised by a senior scholar, and allows the appointee to publish the results of his/her research or scholarship

In addition to the above job responsibilities, other duties may be assigned.
