



名古屋工业大学(英文:Nagoya Institute of Technology。日语:なごや こうぎょうだいがく。),简称名工大,创立于1949年,是位于日本名古屋市昭和区御器所町的国立大学,JANET成员。

Postdoctoral Researcher in Metasurfaces

Nagoya Institute of Technology - Electromagnetics Research Group of Hiroki Wakatsuchi


Fixed term until March 2028 (possible continuation to an additional few years)

Expected start date:

01 January 2025 or anytime soon

Closed date:

01 January 2025 (however, note that this will be earlier once good candidates are found)


Our research group is working on metamaterials and related electromagnetic issues at Nagoya Institute of Technology (NIT), which is known as one of the top research universities in Japan. The research group is new but rapidly growing due to success during recent years. We already have a wide range of advanced research facilities including a state-of-the-art VNA (Keysight Technologies, PNA-X series), arbitrary waveform generator (25 GHz bandwidth, 65 GSa/s), 4 oscilloscopes (including URX series of Keysight Technologies), spectrum analyser, 12 workstations (336 cores and more than 3.2 TB RAM in total), 8 NASs (over 300 TB), electromagnetic simulators (ANSYS HFSS, 50 licences) (CST, 5 licences), etc. Our group is rapidly increasing its presence in the research field of metamaterials and metasurfaces and has been publishing papers from top-ranked journals in recent years. For instance, from 2023, our group published 15 journal papers including 2 from Nature Communications. Some of our works are highlighted by globally prestigious journals including Nature. More information is found below:


This will be a great opportunity to join the emerging group and further enhance your career with us. We are looking for several excellent, highly motivated postdoc researchers who can join our research group. At these positions, you will closely work with our collaborators from the University of Nottingham, University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Roma Tre University, Kyoto University, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology and some Japanese companies for a millimetre-wave metasurface project using nonlinear circuits such as diodes. Importantly, during this position, you are expected to visit our foreign collaborators (the University of Nottingham, University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Roma Tre University, etc) for a long period (from a few months to more than one year). To be considered, the candidates are expected to have strong experience/knowledge/capability in the following:


Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS)/Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS)

Nonlinear circuits

Millimetre wave

Electromagnetic simulation

We also welcome researchers from different fields:

AI (machine learning, big database, etc)


As a minimum requirement, you must have a PhD degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering or other related fields.

The salary depends on the performance and career of the candidate but is expected to be between 4,000,000 and 7,000,000 yen per year. The type of employment will be part-time or full-time, depending on how quickly he/she can start the job. However, the difference between them does not change the amount of the salary.

To apply for this position:

Please send an email to Prof Wakatsuchi (wakatsuchi.hiroki@nitech.ac.jp) together with your detailed CV including the full list of publications and contact information of at least one referee (a few would be more ideal). Also, as mentioned above, please note that these openings will be closed once best-fit candidates are found. Thus, we strongly recommend you to apply as soon as possible.

Web page:

