



哥本哈根大学 (英文: University of Copenhagen; 丹麦文: Københavns Universitet;简称:UCPH / KU)坐落于丹麦王国首都哥本哈根,是丹麦最高学府,4EU+联盟、国际研究型大学联盟、欧洲研究型大学联盟、欧洲首都大学联盟、欧洲大学协会成员。大学建于1479年,已有500多年历史,从最初只对社会名流开放,现已发展成一所学科全面、集教育与科研于一身的世界研究型大学。

作为欧洲的教育和科研机构之一,哥本哈根大学下属6个学院,包括36个部门以及200多个研究中心,综合排名跻身世界一流。哥本哈根大学位居2021软科世界大学学术排名第30位,2022泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第96位,2022QS世界大学排名第79位,2022U.S. News世界大学排名第37位。


DARK Postdoctoral Fellowships, Niels Bohr Institute

Copenhagen University


December 04, 2023


Offerd Salary:Negotiation


Working address:N/A

Contract Type:Other

Working Time:Negotigation

Working type:N/A

Ref info:N/A

We are seeking several postdoctoral fellows for a new comprehensive project on "Time in Astrophysics," leveraging new facilities in transient astrophysics (notably LSST) and galaxy evolution (notably JWST), while also addressing fundamental theoretical questions, partly based on advances in computation.

DARK is a research unit within the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. DARK Fellowships are postdoc positions for scientists intending to conduct independent research in various areas, including the discovery of transients (with YSE, LSST) and follow-up observations (with MAAT, VLT, JWST), gravitational waves and kilonovae, supernova cosmology, cosmological tensions, high-redshift galaxies with JWST, gravitationally lensed transients, statistical mechanics of gravitational structures, and galaxy formation theory. DARK Fellows are also invited to participate in art and science projects and collaborate with other academic areas related to the concept of time. They are encouraged to work with faculty and junior professors at DARK and will have access to a range of international observing facilities, computing facilities, and an assortment of international collaborations Interaction with scientists at other research centers is also encouraged.

DARK promotes inclusiveness and values diversity.

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

Contact Further information on DARK and NBI is linked at www. science.ku.dk/english/about-the-faculty/organisation/

Inquiries about the position and DARK can be made to Professor Jens Hjorth, jens@nbi.ku.dk and to secretary, Meagan K. Jensen, meagan.kelsey@nbi.ku.dk

The DARK Fellowships are open from 1 September 2024 (or on a date to be agreed upon). DARK Fellowships are typically for a period of 3 years.

Terms of employment The position is covered by the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff.

Terms of appointment and payment accord to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State.

Negotiation for salary supplement is possible.

In addition to the basic salary, a monthly contribution to a pension fund is added (17.1% of the salary).

More on employment conditions: ism.ku.dk

The application, in English, must be submitted electronically by clicking APPLY NOW below.

Please include

·  Brief cover letter stating research interests as well as your thoughts on time in astrophysics (2-page PDF)

·  Curriculum vitae (Max 2-page PDF)

·  Diplomas (Master and PhD degree or equivalent)

·  Complete publication list

Candidates are required to have a PhD degree by the start of the appointment, but a PhD degree is not required at the time of application.

Note: Please do not arrange for letters of reference to be uploaded or sent by the deadline.

The deadline for applications is 4 December 2023, 23:59 GMT+1

After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Interview Committee.

Selection of the successful candidates will be based on demonstrated originality, independent thinking, skills, impact, and contributions to a diverse working environment.

You can read about the recruitment process atemployment.ku.dk/faculty/recruitment-process/

Interviews will be held in January & February 2024.
