



格罗宁根大学(英文:University of Groningen;荷文:Rijksuniversiteit Groningen;英文缩写:UG)是一所位于荷兰格罗宁根市的世界顶尖公立研究型大学,欧洲历史最悠久的著名学府之一,科英布拉集团成员,世界百强名校。

格罗宁根大学是荷兰王国的第二所大学,创建于1614年。学校共有10个院系:法律系、医学系、数学和自然科学系(包括化学、物理、生物、信息技术等专业),艺术系、经济系、行为学和社会科学系、哲学系、空间科学系、神学和宗教研究系、组织和管理系。在四百多年的历史中,格罗宁根大学培养出众多优秀人才,知名校友包括诺贝尔物理学奖得主泽尔尼克、诺贝尔化学奖得主伯纳德·L·费林加、微积分的先驱约翰·伯努利、银河系旋转证据的发现者雅各布·卡普坦,欧洲央行首任行长维姆·德伊森贝赫,低温物理学的奠基人海克·卡末林·昂内斯,荷兰第一位女大学生Aletta Jacobs、荷兰第一位宇航员Wubbo Ockels等。格罗宁根大学还与中国许多著名大学展开了广泛的学术交流活动,包括清华大学、北京大学、复旦大学、浙江大学及上海交通大学等。

Postdoc data science and the articulations of meaning in work (1.0 FTE)

University of Groningen

Postdoc data science and the articulations of meaning in work (1.0 FTE)


Job description

The Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies of the University of Groningen (founded in 1614) is a leading European institution for the study of religion. We are proud to be ranked as the best teaching and research centre for religion in The Netherlands. We are committed to highest standards in critical academic research, and we translate our research into stimulating and cutting-edge teaching programmes. We train students to be independent and critical observers of the place of religion in its cultural and historical context, and we prepare them for the job market.

The postdoc will join the department of comparative study of religion. Within the faculty an interdisciplinary group studies various aspects of the relatively new research area of ‘meaning and work'. With this postdoc position, the faculty wants to support the most talented PhD's in the fields of linguistic arts, digital humanities and/or artificial intelligence/data science to contribute to this field.

Job description The postdoc will conduct research in a larger project that aims to explore how various professionals in diverse working contexts articulate their sense of meaning in work- related to both personal work satisfaction and how they value their own contributions within their organisation and/or to society. Starting by qualitative and quantitative analysis of linguistic datasets, we aim to use data science/AI to scale up. The aimed for results will create innovative opportunities for organizations to pay attention to meaning making processes on different organizational levels.

The postdoc conducts a pilot aimed at an exploration of which quantitative method is most appropriate to analyse meaning making/finding experiences in relation to work in (existing) qualitative Dutch datasets. At least two professions are involved (medical experts/physicians; IC nurses, financial controllers). In parallel, the postdoc builds upon a collection of qualitative datasets from different occupational groups. The next step will be to apply an analysis to these new datasets. Finally (a first attempt at) comparative research will be done on differences in the perception of work and meaning and the influence of context factors. Next to this research line, the postdoc strongly contributes to an interdisciplinary research proposal as a follow up.

We invite strong research proposals that fit the main research line. The postdoc is expected to submit an interdisciplinary research proposal with support of the funding officer of the faculty, and to submit at least one article (based on the pilot-data) in collaboration with the other team members. A minor part of the job concerns a limited number of educational activities.


Candidates for this postdoc position:

have finished a PhD in the fields of linguistic studies and/or AI/data sciences in the last 12 months (at least the dissertation has to be accepted by the supervisor), or in (digital) humanities

have a strong affinity with/record in interdisciplinary work (linguistic studies; AI; data science, humanities)

have a record in both quantitative as well as qualitative methods, including qualitative data collection

have affinity with the subject in various professional fields of expertise (starting with medical experts)

have a strong academic record as evinced by curriculum vitae and list of publications

have an international network

have a concrete and creative idea for grant proposals, which fits the project and the faculty's profile

have organizational skills, an independent attitude and ability to work in a team

have excellent proficiency in written and spoken Dutch and English

preferably have some teaching experience.

Organisation Conditions of employment

We offer you in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities:

depending on qualifications and work experience, a salary of € 3,877 to a maximum of € 5,079 (salary scale 10) gross per month for a full-time position

a holiday allowance of 8% gross annual income an 8.3% end-of-the-year allowance

attractive secondary terms of employment; the position is classified in accordance with the University Job Classification (UFO) system; the UFO profile is Researcher 4

a temporary contract of 1.0 FTE for a period of 2 years (1,0 FTE; 20% teaching).


Deadlines and procedures You may apply for this position before 7 October 2023 Dutch local time by means of the application form (click on “Apply” below on the advertisement on the university website).

Note that the procedure will include interviews. Selected candidates will be invited for an interview in Groningen (Dutch). Interviews are scheduled to take place in October. The start of the PhD position is 1 January 2024.
