荷语鲁汶大学(荷兰文:Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)全称天主教鲁汶大学,简称KU Leuven,位于比利时荷语区鲁汶市。1425年,天主教鲁汶大学在教宗马丁五世的授权下建立,距今已有近600年历史,是低地国家中最古老的大学。鲁汶大学是欧洲研究型大学联盟、科英布拉集团、Europaeum、欧洲大学协会等高校联盟的创始成员。
ERC Postdoc position: Interface circuit design for physiological recordings with wearable sensors
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
September 30, 2023
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Other
Working Time:Negotigation
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A
ERC Postdoc position: Interface circuit design for physiological recordings
with wearable sensors
(ref. BAP-2023-544)
Last modification : Wednesday, August 2, 2023
The work will be performed within the research division Micro- and Nanosystems (MNS) in collaboration with the STADIUS lab at the Deparment of Electrical Engineering (ESAT) at KU Leuven, Europe's most innovative university (Reuters). MNS comprises about 30 researchers (postdocs, PhD students and technicians) from eleven different countries and is led by Prof. Michael Kraft. MNS offers a dynamic, thriving and interdisciplinary environment and works on a wide portfolio of research projects, including high-precision physical microsensors, resonant based sensors, bio-medical and bio-chemical sensors, neuro-probes, energy harvesting, micromachined ultrasound transducers and interface circuits. The project involves a close collaboration with the STADIUS group at the same department (https: // www. esat.kuleuven.be/stadius/research.php?view=BioMed).
Website unit
This job opening covers a research position (1 year, with possibility for extension) for a postdoctoral or senior researcher in the frame of an ERC project on next-generation wearable neuro-technology and neuro-sensor networks. The candidate will take the lead in the discrete electronic design of a highly miniaturized and low-power wireless EEG sensor node, as well as the validation and integration within a brain-computer interface use case. For the latter, the candidate will interact with PhD researchers working on software/hardware aspects within the ERC project, and will have the opportunity to coordinate the integration process towards a working prototype.
Candidates should have a strong expertise in electronic design, as well as experience with the recording of weak electrophysiological signals (preferably for EEG, although this is not a strict requirement).
Additional research/development experience in any of the following topics is a plus:
· hands-on experience with recording EEG signals
· hands-on experience with wearable sensor design
· hands-on experience in design and testing of low noise analog circuits (preferably for recording physiological signals)
· hands-on experience with embedded systems, hardware design, and firmware development (using commercial chip sets)
Candidates should be motivated, independent, critical, and should have strong team-player skills. Excellent proficiency in the English language is also required, as well as good communication skills, both oral and written.
· An exciting interdisciplinary research environment at KU Leuven, Europe's most innovative university(Reuters:https: // www. reuters.com/innovative- universities-europe-2018/profile?uid=1 )
· The opportunity to improve leadership skills (including supervising PhD students).
· The possibility to participate in international conferences and collaborations
· A contract for at least 1 year (with the possibility to extend it with 1 extra year) with a competitive monthly stipend.Interested?
Interested applicants should submit:
- a brief motivation letter with a statement of skills and research interests
- a curriculum vitae
- the names and contact information of 2 references
The application deadline is 30 September 2023, but earlier applications are encouraged and will be considered as soon as they are received. The position can be closed earlier in case a suitable candidate has been found.
For more information please contact Prof. dr. ir. Alexander Bertrand, mail: alexander.bertrand@kuleuven.be or Prof. dr. Michael Kraft, mail: michael.kraft@kuleuven.be.
KU Leuven seeks to foster an environment where all talents can flourish, regardless of gender, age, cultural background, nationality or impairments. If you have any questions relating to accessibility or support, please contact us at diversiteit.HR@kuleuven.be.