



伯尔尼大学(德文:Universität Bern;英文:University of Bern,简称UniBe)坐落于瑞士首都伯尔尼,是世界上著名的研究型大学。该校创建历史可以追溯到16世纪早期宗教改革中建立的清教神学院。学校在建校时即拥有3位教授,到十七世纪末拥有6位教授,到十八世纪伯尔尼大学在人文和神学领域一直处于统治地位。包括埃米尔·特奥多尔·科赫尔和库尔特·维特里希在内的诺贝尔奖得主都曾在此学习工作。

Postdoc in Climate Epidemiology

University of Bern

A fully funded postdoctoral position (3 years) is open for an enthusiastic early career researcher to work in the Climate Change and Health research group at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) and the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) of the University of Bern (UniBe) in Bern, Switzerland.

The postdoctoral researcher will conduct research on an interdisciplinary project "ACTUAL" on the effect of extreme humid heat and human health, funded by the SNSF Starting Grant 2022 and led by Assist. Prof. Ana M. Vicedo- Cabrera. The project aims to advance knowledge about the impact of humid heat on human health through developing, diversifying, and applying new methodologies, data resources, and settings beyond existing current state-of- the-art approaches in climate epidemiology. In particular, the postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for the co-coordination with the PI and performance of the research tasks in Case Study 4 - Humid heat and heat strain in a high-risk population. This case study will be developed entirely in a small urban location Basse Santa Su in The Gambia (Africa) in collaboration with the Medical Research Council - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in The Gambia (MRCG). It will consist in (1) developing a high- resolution spatiotemporal assessment of outdoor humid heat using low-cost weather stations and high-resolution data on predictors, and (2) a pilot study on heat strain due to humid heat in general population. The postdoc research will be based at the University of Bern, but it is expected that he/she will spend at least 2 to 3 periods of 4-10 weeks in The Gambia to coordinate on-site the data collection. The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) of the University of Bern performs research in a range of disciplines relevant to public health. Groups cut across divisions, facilitating an interdisciplinary approach to research in the fields of clinical epidemiology, social and behavioral health, biostatistics, and international and environmental health. The ISPM is highly reputed for its expertise in health effects of environmental exposures, the spread of infectious disease, and the health of vulnerable groups including children and the elderly. The Climate Change and Health Group, led by Assis. Prof. Ana Maria Vicedo-Cabrera, addresses the impacts of climate change on health with particular focus on the development of adaptation and mitigation strategies, and quantification of health impacts using novel methods in climate epidemiology.

Duties and responsibilities

  Collaborate with an interdisciplinary team of epidemiologists, statisticians, physiologists, and urban climate modellers.

  Coordinate the activities in The Gambia, including recruitment, training and management of the field team and all study activities.

  Lead the design and conduct of the research.

  Clean and analyse large observational databases using standard and advanced statistical methods.

  Present own work at international conferences and publish articles in peer-reviewed journals.

  Collaborate on teaching activities of the team, including co-supervision of students and lead lectures and seminars.

Qualifications and skills

  Strong interest in interdisciplinary research in the areas of epidemiology, climate science and impact modelling.

  Motivation to work on topics related to climate change and health, in particular, in low-middle income countries.

  PhD degree in a relevant discipline, including epidemiology, public health, and related fields.

  Experience in epidemiological field work, preferably in low-middle income countries.

  Experience in management of large databases, advanced statistical analysis and programming techniques in R.

  The ability to work efficiently, independently and with interdisciplinary teams.

  Excellent knowledge of English, written and spoken.

We offer

  An international, interdisciplinary and dynamic academic environment.

  Support for career development and training, including the Public Health Science Course Program of the University of Bern (https: // www. medizin.unibe.ch/studies/studyprograms/phscourseprogram/indexeng.html).

  Salary according to the pay scales of the Swiss National Science Foundation

For further information on the position, please contact Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, anamaria.vicedo@unibe.ch. The post starts in January 2024 and is for 3 years (80-100% FTE), with a possibility for a 1 year extension. Please apply no later than: 15.09.2023.

Please send your application in one PDF-file to hr.ispm@unibe.ch. Applications must be written in English and include following elements: letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, publication list, and two reference letters (preferably one from the PhD supervisor).
