达姆施塔特工业大学 (Technische Universität Darmstadt) 成立于1877年,是德国著名理工科大学,位于德国科学城达姆施塔特市,地处法兰克福/莱茵-美因大都会地区,以工程学、自然科学及建筑学等闻名,是自德意志联邦共和国诞生以来,德国第一个自主办学的公立大学。
Research Assistant/Postdoctoral Researcher/Postdoc (all genders)
Darmstadt University of Technology
In the department of Social Sciences and History, the Institute of Political Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt is seeking to fill the position of a
Research Assistant/Postdoctoral Researcher/Postdoc (all genders)
at the earliest possible date for a fixed-term of 2 years.
The Institute of Political Science at the TU Darmstadt is a research-intensive and modern institute that provides excellent conditions for independent research and academic development during the qualification phase.
The tasks of the postdoctoral researcher are to contribute to and further develop the research and teaching activities of the institute, preferably in one of the research areas represented at the institute:
Federalism and Democracy
Local Politics and Multilevel Governance
European Union;
Energy and Climate Policy
Standards of Governance
We expect and support, that the postdoctoral researcher develops an independent third-party funded project (e.g. junior research group). In addition, that the postdoctoral researcher assumes teaching obligations (in English or German) of 4 SWS. The position has its own budget to support teaching, research, or conference travel.
The qualification requirement for the position is a very good PhD degree in political science or a closely related field.
The fulfillment of the duties likewise enables the scientific qualifications of the candidate.
The Technische Universität Darmstadt intends to increase the number of female employees and encourages female candidates to apply. In case of equal qualifications applicants with a degree of disability of at least 50 or equal will be given preference. Wages and salaries are according to the collective agreements on salary scales, which apply to the Technische Universität Darmstadt (TV-TU Darmstadt). Part-time employment is generally possible.
Electronic applications in a single pdf-file are accepted until 10 September 2023 at politik-gd@pg.tu-darmstadt.de and we are planning to interview candidates on 09 October 2023. Applications should include a brief letter of motivation, a detailed CV including a list of publication, and a brief outline of your planned research project (two pages) related to the research topics of the institute.
If you have questions about the position please contact the managing director of the institute, Prof. Dr. Christian Stecker at politik-gd@pg.tu- darmstadt.de.
By submitting your application, you agree that your data may be stored and processed for the purpose of filling the vacancy. You can find our privacy policy on our webpage.
Code No. 370
Published on
July 28, 2023
Application deadline
September 10, 2023