



特拉华大学(University of Delaware,简称UD或UDel),位于美国东部特拉华州的纽瓦克市,是一所公立研究型大学,也是公立常春藤大学之一。学校始建于1743年,最初名为纽瓦克学院,1921年正式更名为特拉华大学,也称德拉威尔大学(University of Delaware)。

Post Doctoral Researcher - Physics & Astronomy (The Bartol Research Institute)

University of Delaware

Post Doctoral Researcher - Physics & Astronomy (The Bartol Research Institute)

Apply now Job no: 500174 College / VP Area: College of Arts & Sciences Work type: Staff Location: Remote Categories: Research & Laboratory, Full Time

Major Responsibilities:

Present their own 3-year research plan, which should detail their research goals and how they expect to accomplish them.

Clearly indicate work which will lead to publications in high impact, peer-reviewed scientific journals .

Report and present research at national and international conference.

Interact scientifically with one or more Bartol faculty members.


PhD in Physics or Astronomy.

Research experience in one or more of the research fields listed above.

Ability to develop and deliver a program of original scientific research.

Ability to develop scientific reports and manuscripts based on original research.

Ability to develop and deliver professional scientific presentations.

Ability to work in a collaborative group environment and with remote collaborators using electronic communication.

Applications close: Oct 15 2023 Eastern Daylight Time
