蒂尔堡大学(Tilburg University),成立于1927年,是荷兰著名的公立大学,欧洲顶尖高等学府,位于荷兰第六大城市蒂尔堡。学校前身是一所经济学院,由于商业领域的科研出众,后发展为社会科学领域全球领先的综合性大学。
Postdoctoral Researcher in International Labour Law
Tilburg University
Tilburg University Tilburg Law School is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher in International Labour Law
Department: Private, Business & Labour Law Location: Tilburg Law School Scientific area: Labour Law, Human Rights Law, Sustainable Development Full time equivalent: 0,8 - 1,0 FTE Duration: 3 years Monthly full-time salary: €3.974,- €5.439,- gross Closing Date: September 3, 2023
The Department of PBLL (Private, Business & Labour Law) has a vacancy for a postdoctoral researcher in international labour law (0.8 - 1.0 fte, 3 years). We are looking for someone with a background in labour law and human rights law who will be part of a legal research project at the crossroads of (fundamental) labour standards, human rights law, and sustainable development.
Job Description
The selected candidate will contribute to the research program ‘ Towards Sustainable Social Justice: Exploring the Future Architecture of Human Rights at Work '. This project analyses the interplay between labour standards, sustainable development, and human rights law in order to identify pathways towards more effective, coherent, and complementary implementation and protection of (fundamental) labour rights – with an emphasis on the specific roles, responsibilities, or duties of private sector organizations – in a global setting.
The project is embedded in the department's Signature Plan ‘Connecting Organizations' , the overarching research program of PBLL, in which we investigate how new models and strategies of organizing business and economic activities are regulated by the law and whether that regulation needs rethinking in the light of modern society, in which sustainability and technology become ever more dominant drivers of change.
The current legal landscape of international labour standards is more diverse and dynamic than ever before with many different types of regulatory regimes proclaiming, applying, and interpreting basic workers' rights. The fundamental labour standards (FLS) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) – a central vantage point for this project - have become an important normative frame of reference outside the ILO. Next to their incorporation in the UN 2030 agenda and international and regional human rights law, these rights appear in many other public and private regulatory instruments that target state and business policies and behavior, such as bilateral or multilateral trade agreements, the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, global framework agreements, private corporate (supplier) codes of conduct, and other sustainability instruments such as multi-stakeholder initiatives. Highly relevant is the recent adoption and development of mandatory human rights due diligence legislation on the domestic and EU levels, which obliges corporations to address (potential and actual) violations of FLS linked to their business activities within their global value chains.
‘Towards Sustainable Social Justice' addresses four interrelated and overlapping objectives. (a) It investigates the relationship between labour standards, sustainable development, and human rights law in light of the role and application of FLS and adjacent labour rights. (b) It analyses the scope, content, and interpretations of (fundamental) labour standards within these three main normative frameworks of international labour law, human rights law, and sustainable development. (c) It explores where and how (fundamental) labour standards are incorporated in an increasing variety of sustainability related international, regional, or domestic regulatory instruments that may have voluntary, binding, public, private, or mixed features. (d) And it seeks to analyze the impact of these different regulatory instruments, by investigating mechanisms and procedures for monitoring, implementation, conflict settlement, and access to remedy.
Within this framework, the postdoctoral researcher produces academic output in different forms in close collaboration with the main researcher (Bas Rombouts). Moreover, the researcher is expected to work independently and proactively and is challenged to bring innovative, original, and scientifically and socially relevant ideas to the table. The researcher strengthens and develops international academic and institutional networks and organizes research events. The researcher will also be involved in some educational activities such as teaching lectures related to the research project and co-supervising (master or PhD) theses. The researcher will be fully integrated in the department of PBLL and is invited to participate in the different activities of Tilburg Law School.
What do we ask?
Tilburg University is curious about how you can contribute to our research, education, impact, and to the team you will be part of. Therefore, we would like to get the best possible picture of your knowledge, insight, skills, and personality. Below you can find the qualifications we consider important for the position.
You hold a PhD in Law and have demonstrable expertise in issues related to (fundamental) labour standards, human rights law, and sustainable development;
You have strong writing skills, including publications commensurate with the career stage of the candidate but which are indicative of a strong ability to publish in the best academic journals.
You are able to undertake certain administrative duties autonomously and preferably have some experience in undertaking such duties (e.g. organization of workshops, involvement in projects, etc.).
You are proactive and accountable, able to prioritize across responsibilities, and able to manage varied commitments.
You have excellent interpersonal, as well as strong and effective communication skills.
You have perfect command of English. Knowledge of Dutch would be an asset but is not required.
You are available to start working on November 1, 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter.
You are a team player who contributes to an open and inclusive organizational culture. You are committed to be an active member of our team and the department and to integrate in the environment provided by the department and Tilburg Law School.
For this position, we offer:
A position based on 0.8 - 1 fte (32 - 40 hours per week);
It is a vacancy for a postdoc in international labour law
A salary of minimum €3.974,- and maximum €5.439,- gross per month for full time employment, based on UFO profile Researcher and salary scale 11 of the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. Tilburg University uses a neutral remuneration system for salary scaling that is based on relevant education and work experience;
Vacation allowance (8%) and a year-end bonus (8.3%);
Vacation days (41 days for a 40-hour work week);
Full reimbursement of commuting expenses for sustainable travel: walking, biking and public transportation;
Moving allowance;
Options Model for benefits and reimbursement of expenses;
Employees from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a tax-free allowance of 30% of their taxable wages. We will apply for this reimbursement for you;
You will be enrolled in the General Pension Fund for Public Employers (ABP) through us;
Various training courses, for example in leadership skills, personal effectiveness, and career development;
A wide range of amenities and facilities and various arrangements to create an optimal work-life balance.
Visit working at Tilburg University for more information on our terms of employment.
This is a vacancy for a temporary position in accordance with Article 2.3 paragraph 5 of the CLA for Dutch universities. You will be given a temporary employment contract for the duration of 3 years.
Information and application
We invite you to apply online for this position by September 3, 2023.
More information about the vacated position can be obtained from Dr. Bas Rombouts, S.J.Rombouts@tilburguniversity.edu.
Please attach the following documents to the application:
A motivation letter, addressed to Dr. Bas Rombouts.
Official copy of your university degree(s).
Copies of your two best/most relevant publication and a publication list.
A short research statement (maximum 1 page) in which you describe what type of research you envisage for the project: what questions and specific aspects would you focus on, and what are the results you expect;
Contact information of two referees (including name, phone number, and e-mail address). Referees will be contacted for shortlisted candidates only.
The first selection interviews will take place in weeks 36, 37, and 38. The selection committee consists of:
Dr. Bas Rombouts
Prof.dr. Mijke Houwerzijl
Ideally, you will start working for Tilburg University on November 1, 2023.