



达姆施塔特工业大学 (Technische Universität Darmstadt) 成立于1877年,是德国著名理工科大学,位于德国科学城达姆施塔特市,地处法兰克福/莱茵-美因大都会地区,以工程学、自然科学及建筑学等闻名,是自德意志联邦共和国诞生以来,德国第一个自主办学的公立大学。

Research Associate/Postdoctoral Fellow (all genders)

Darmstadt University of Technology


September 01, 2023


Offerd Salary:Negotiation


Working address:N/A

Contract Type:fixed-term contract

Working Time:Part time

Working type:N/A

Ref info:N/A

As part of the ERC Consolidator project „SEGMENT” at the Centre for Cognitive Science, Institute of Psychology in the Department of Human Sciences at the Technical University of Darmstadt has an open position in the Perception group of Prof. Thomas Wallis.

Research Associate/Postdoctoral Fellow (all genders)

The position has a fixed-term contract for initially 3 years and has a start date of November 1, 2023.

Your responsibilities:

·  development of a differential physically-based rendering pipeline for simulating the retinal input to the human eye

·  development, training and analysis of computational models including deep learning models for performing tasks based on this simulated retinal input

·  assisting in setting up and maintaining computational infrastructure for running the rendering pipeline

·  communication of scientific results in the form of documentation, reports, presentations and research articles

Your Prerequisites:

·  Doctoral degree in computer science, computer graphics, or related fields

·  familiarity with Python and at least one low-level programming language,

·  proficient in English,

·  excellent analytic and software skills,

·  interest in applying rendering and modelling skills to research in cognitive science,

·  organizational skills, highly motivated, team-player,


·  previous experience using differentiable rendering

·  extensive rendering and 3D modelling experience

The position is funded through a European Research Council Consolidator Grant “SEGMENT” awarded to Prof. Thomas Wallis. The goal of the grant is to investigate how humans learn to understand 3D scenes, using a novel and interdisciplinary combination of skills and technologies. The holder of this position will work closely with a graduate student to develop a rendering pipeline for simulating the human retinal image, and then testing what can be learned from these images. A second part of the project will develop and use a multifocal display device to conduct psychophysical experiments in adult humans, to study how retinal image information is combined to understand scenes.

The tasks include scientific services in research and teaching that specifically relate to the implementation of SEGMENT. Within the scope of the assigned tasks, the opportunity for independent scientific work is offered, which serves the own scientific qualification.

The fulfillment of the duties likewise enables the scientific qualifications of the candidate. Opportunity for further qualification (habilitation) is given.

The Technische Universität Darmstadt intends to increase the number of female employees and encourages female candidates to apply. In case of equal qualifications applicants with a degree of disability of at least 50 or equal will be given preference. Wages and salaries are according to the collective agreements on salary scales, which apply to the Technische Universität Darmstadt (TV-TU Darmstadt). Part-time employment is generally possible.

Please send applications including CV, letter of motivation, certificates and transcripts, contact details for two people who can provide a letter of reference upon request, and one or two work samples (e.g., link to articles, software projects, etc) to the dean of the Department of Human Sciences of the Technical University of Darmstadt, Alexanderstraße 10, 64283 Darmstadt (perferably by email in a single PDF document to dekanat@humanw.tu- darmstadt.de, please use the reference number below in the header). Informal inquiries can be addressed to Prof. Thomas Wallis, PhD (thomas.wallis@tu-darmstadt.de)

All applications submitted by September 1, 2023 will be considered.

By submitting your application, you agree that your data may be stored and processed for the purpose of filling the vacancy. You can find our privacy policy on our webpage.

Code No. 401

Published on

June 30, 2023

Application deadline

September 01, 2023
