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Research Fellow in Haptic Communication and Navigation
University of Leeds
Job Description
Do you have a strong background in mechanical engineering or mechatronics with an interest in assistive technologies? Would you like to work as part of a multidisciplinary team working to improve the lives of disabled people through haptic technologies?
Developments in assistive technology design and production promise huge benefits for disabled people. Haptic and telepresence technologies have massive potential in this regard, enabling remote experiences that would not otherwise be possible. It is important however, that development of these technologies reflect the needs and aspirations of people with disabilities and are made accessible to them.
This post is concerned with the use of sensor technologies and haptic interfaces to assist Deafblind and visually impaired in communicating and navigating their environment. Imagining Technologies for Disability Futures (itTDf) is a Collaborative Award between four institutions funded through the Wellcome Trust and led by the University of Leeds (with partners in Robotics, Design, Literary and Cultural Studies, and Philosophy) that seeks to explore the potential for technologies such as haptics and telepresence for disabled people more generally.
Within this consortium, the University of Leeds has responsibility for the ongoing development of a toolkit of sensors and haptic feedback systems. This post will take haptic and sensor technologies developed in the early stages of the project and explore their potential for use in navigating the environment. The project has a strong user-centred design element, working with disabled people to test and refine prototypes to explore their preferences and aspirations.
We are looking for a candidate with a strong background in mechanical engineering or mechatronics, who is interested in thinking across disciplines, and who will liaise with disabled people to inform the development of the system and explore their aspirations.
This post is fixed-term for up to 18 months, available from 01 June 2023, to end by 31 December 2024.
To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact:
Dr Raymond Holt, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
Tel: +44 (0)113 343 7936 or email: R.J.Holt@leeds.ac.uk