



希望之城国家医疗中心(City of Hope NationalMedical Center)是一所顶尖的美国非盈利研究和治疗中心,专注于癌症、糖尿病和其他危及生命的疾病。

该医疗中心是美国国立癌症研究院(National Cancer Institution)指定的53所癌症综合中心之一,也是美国国立综合癌症网络的创立会员和中央数据协调中心。被权威新闻杂志周刊《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S News & World Report)列为全美最佳癌症医院第七名和“美国最佳癌症和泌尿科医院”之一。

Postdoctoral Fellow - Biomedical Engineering

City of Hope

Job Description

A Postdoctoral Fellowship opportunity is immediately available for the highly motivated individual in the laboratory of Dr Ed Boas, at the Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope, a prestigious NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.

We are looking for a biomedical engineer, materials scientist, immunologist, or cancer biologist who can help us develop new minimally invasive cancer therapies, such as new materials or devices for drug delivery into tumors (percutaneous or intra-arterial). We are one of the few interventional oncology groups in the United States with a basic science lab, large animal tumor model, and several active clinical trials, which enables us to translate new discoveries from bench to animal to bedside.

Basic education, experience and skills required for consideration:

· PhD or M.D.

Additional Information:

As a condition of employment, City of Hope requires staff to comply with all state and federal vaccination mandates.

· For more information on Dr. Boa’s research please visit here: https://www.cityofhope.org/edward-boas

Salary / Pay Rate Information:

Pay Rate: $31.00 - $34.23 / hour
