



肯塔基大学(University of Kentucky),简称UK,创办于1865年,是一所美国著名的公立研究型大学,位于美国肯塔基州的列克星顿市(Lexington),这里被评为全美最安全的前5座城市之一,10大居民受教育水平最高的城市,并入选10大应届毕业生最理想的工作城市,在全美就业最高的城市中位列第1名。大学校园占地4,170亩,拥有约35,000名学生和12,000名教职员工。新建成的威廉·T·杨图书馆是具有世界先进水平的研究型图书馆,其藏书量仅次于哈佛大学,排名全美第二。

Postdoctoral Scholar – Cancer biology

University of Kentucky

Location: Lexington , KY

Job Number: 7134482

Posting Date: Mar 15, 2023

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

Job Description

Postdoctoral Scholar – Cancer biology

NCI-designated Markey Cancer Center, University of Kentucky

Job Description

One NIH-supported Postdoctoral scholar position is immediately available for highly motivated individuals in the laboratory of Dr. Ren Xu at the Markey Cancer Center, University of Kentucky (https://medicine.uky.edu/departments/pharmns/users/rxu222

). The lab’s research focuses on understanding the roles of tumor microenvironment (TME) components, including adipocytes, fibroblasts, immune cells, and extracellular matrix in breast cancer metastasis and therapeutic resistance. There has been remarkable progress in cancer treatments resulting in improved long-term survival. However, metastasis and resistance to chemotherapy, target therapy, and immunotherapy remains a significant challenge. Our lab is working toward addressing these questions. Specifically, we believe the cancer cell-TME interaction is critical for cancer dissemination and therapeutic resistance. Our research has recently been published in PNAS, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Communications, and Cancer Research.

The goal of the Xu Lab is to pioneer basic and translational research in breast cancer so that we can find a better way for cancer treatment. For this, we will employ cutting-edge technologies, including mouse models, multi-omics, advanced bioinformatics, patient-derived models, and patient samples to understand the nature of cancer cell-TME interaction and explore how to target TME. The candidate will investigate molecular mechanisms by which TME facilitates cancer metastasis and therapeutic resistance, leveraging cutting-edge computational biology, state-of the art imaging technologies, mouse and patient-derived models.

Basic education, experience and skills required for consideration:

·PhD in molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, cell biology or related field with a strong publication record.

·Previous experience in mouse models, cancer biology, molecular biology, genetics, or bioinformatics is highly desired but not required.

Lexington is a beautiful university town in the middle of Kentucky, where you can balance work and family.

Contact email: ren.xu2010@uky.edu
