



斯德哥尔摩大学(英文:Stockholm University)创建于1878年,位于瑞典王国首都斯德哥尔摩,公立综合性研究型学府,Mirai、欧洲大学协会、欧洲首都大学联盟成员。该校最初只开设自然科学方面的课程。1904年建立授予学位制度,随后的20年间创建了法律和人文科学学院。大学下属有四个大的科系:法学、人文学科、社会科学和自然科学,为学生求学提供了广泛的选择空间。

Postdoctoral Fellow in Environmental Science focusing on high-resolution mass spectrometry

Stockholm University

Closing date: 9 April 2023 .

The Department of Environmental Science is one of the biggest departments at the Faculty of Science. The department consists of four units with more than 190 researchers, teachers, doctoral students and technical/administrative staff from over 30 countries. Research and teaching focuses on chemical contaminants, (eco)toxicology, atmospheric science and biogeochemistry. As an employee at the Department of Environmental Science you will be part of a dynamic environment working in leading research areas and with a strong international profile.

Project description We seek to appoint a postdoctoral fellow with expertise in high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis. The position will be associated with an EU-funded research project (RE-MEND) that will pursue an interdisciplinary path towards better strategies to protect vulnerable individuals from mental illness. Comprehensive nontargeted mass spectrometry based adductomics, and other - omics in collaboration, will be applied on selected samples from large cohorts to improve the molecular and environmental understanding of mental illness, and to discover new biomarkers that can contribute in predicting susceptibility and resilience.

Main responsibilities You will be responsible for the high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis of DNA adducts and protein adducts. This includes performing HRMS/MS experiments on LC-Orbitrap and associated data processing for adductomics. Method optimization as needed and application of the adductomics technology within RE-MEND will be part of the research activities. Other responsibilities include presentation of the research findings at conferences, publishing and communication.

Qualification requirements Postdoctoral positions are appointed primarily for purposes of research. Applicants are expected to hold a Swedish doctoral degree or an equivalent degree from another country.

Assessment criteria The degree must have been completed at latest before the employment decision is made, but no more than three years before the closing date. An older degree may be acceptable under special circumstances. Special reasons refer to sick leave, parental leave, elected positions in trade unions, service in the total defense, or other similar circumstances as well as clinical attachment or service/assignments relevant to the subject area.

In the appointment process, special attention will be given to research skills and your ability to successfully complete the project. Your doctoral degree should be in analytical chemistry or a field closely related to the project. Skills in a high resolution mass spectrometry based -o mics technique and data analysis are desirable. Experience in working with large cohorts is an asset. The candidate should have a high level of written and spoken English language skill as well as the ability to work in a team.

Terms of employment The position involves full-time employment for a minimum of two years and a maximum of three years, with the possibility of extension under special circumstances. Start date as soon as possible or as per agreement.

Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.

Contact Further information about the position can be obtained from the  project leader, Associate Professor Hitesh Motwani, telephone: +46 727 453 210, hitesh.motwani@aces.su.se.
