




Postdoctoral Researcher - Project RAISE

KatholiekeUniversiteit Leuven

Postdoctoral Researcher - Project RAISE

(ref. BAP-2023-86)

Last modification : Friday, February 10, 2023

Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies - Research Unit of Systematic Theology and Research Unit of Practical Theology

Website unit


Description of the research project RAISE:

Structural racism exists because of social constructions of group demarcations. Such boundary making processes are at the root of both structural and individual xenophobia and racism. This project therefore first aims to empirically map boundary making processes in people's everyday life institutional contexts. Second, the project aims to provide empirical evidence in what actions as a response of boundary making processes will support equality. RAISE draws on the assumption that to reduce structural racism, people (and the institutions they operate in) have to be aware of these underlying boundary making processes that reproduce structural racism and the role it has in lasting inequalities. Recognition and acknowledgment of these forms of injustice will contribute to social action for equality. The project will be the first in Europe to study the awareness of boundary making processes in reproducing structural racism and what collective actions contribute to break through such boundary making processes to reduce structural racism. By taking an interdisciplinary approach (from theologists, big data scientists, social psychologists, geographers, political scientists, economists and sociologists) and by creation of research in collaboration between NGOs that address racism and xenophobia operating in precarious contexts (NGOs from Hungary, Poland and Turkey) and academics, this project is at the front of generating new insights on structural racism in Europe.

This vacancy calls for applications for a postdoctoral position in Work Package 1 of RAISE (additionally, the postdoc will also contribute to WP 3)

Objective: RAISE studies a variety of minority and majority groups, but it is aware that this risks reinscribing discursive boundaries that define these groups, rather than critically analysing how these groups are constituted. The goal of WP1 therefore is to develop a theoretical and conceptual framework that explicates the conceptual complexities that are at stake in studying minority groups and structural racism and xenophobia, based on an ethnographic study of the practices and narratives of boundary-making that constitute ‘majority' and ‘minority' groups in institutional settings in Europe.

Approach: In this Work Package, the successful candidate will collaborate with three other postdoctoral researchers to conduct in-depth qualitative ethnographic research (observation and interviews) in four countries (Belgium, Hungary, Poland and Netherlands) around the topic of parenting encounters (interviews with and ethnographic observations of parents, care- givers and teachers at care centres for new-born babies, schools). He/she will bring the results of these empirical studies into dialogue with existing literature in order to synthesize them into a complex understanding of boundary drawing: WP1 aims to develop a theoretical framework of core concepts for the subsequent WPs of the RAISE project.


We are looking for a highly motivated, enthusiastic, critical and creative individual to join the research team. The candidate should have experience in social-empirical research (preferably ethnography) and/or a humanities background in minority studies.

You hold a PhD degree by the start of the position (humanities or social sciences).

You obtained outstanding academic results.

You are interested in interdisciplinary research and have strong analytical skills.

You have an excellent command of English. Desirable: command of Dutch

You are willing and able to collaborate with other researchers.


We offer

A postdoctoral position for 3 years. Depending on seniority and tax status, the candidate will be hired for a ca. 50% position. It is also possible to split this vacancy into two positions (30% and 20%) and/or to combine it with a similar postdoc position advertised for this project at Utrecht University (3 years, 50%) Salary is competitive and in accordance with university standards and includes social benefits. The contract will initially be for 1 year. This will be extended for a further 2 years subject to a positive performance review.

Work space and equipment, along with a budget for travelling and other research-related expenses

Support in research and publication

A stimulating environment of motivated scholars: KU Leuven is a research- intensive, internationally oriented university that conducts both fundamental and applied scientific research. The university is strongly inter- and multidisciplinary in its orientation and strives for international excellence. RAISE is an international and interdisciplinary project that brings together a strong network of high-profile researchers from across Europe.


Application materials include

(1) a letter of motivation (up to 2 pages)

(2) your academic CV, including your publication list

(3) contact details

Deadline: March 15, 2023

After a preselection, candidates will be invited for an online interview on March 20.

Tentative starting date: preferably May 1, 2023

For more information please contact Prof. dr. Judith Gruber, tel.: +32 16 32 13 40, mail: judith.gruber@kuleuven.be or Prof. dr. AnnemieDillen, tel.: +32 16 32 84 01, mail: annemie.dillen@kuleuven.be.

KU Leuven seeks to foster an environment where all talents can flourish, regardless of gender, age, cultural background, nationality or impairments. If you have any questions relating to accessibility or support, please contact us at diversiteit.HR@kuleuven.be.
