哥本哈根大学 (英文: University of Copenhagen; 丹麦文: Københavns Universitet;简称:UCPH / KU)坐落于丹麦王国首都哥本哈根,是丹麦最高学府,4EU+联盟、国际研究型大学联盟、欧洲研究型大学联盟、欧洲首都大学联盟、欧洲大学协会成员。大学建于1479年,已有500多年历史,从最初只对社会名流开放,现已发展成一所学科全面、集教育与科研于一身的世界研究型大学。
Postdoc in experimental epigenomics to study host-microbiome interactions at Globe Institute
Copenhagen University
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen
We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc candidate for a 2-year position with start date 1 July 2023 at the Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen. The candidate will join a small team in the Applied Hologenomics group and explore the potential role of the epigenome in regulating host associated microbiomes in different fish species and will have a special focus on applying novel CRISPR based molecular techniques to modify epigenetic traits in zebrafish. More information about the center can be found at https: // ceh.ku.dk/.
Our research The Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics was funded by the Danish National Research Foundation in 2020 to develop and implement state of the art ‘omics and associated computational techniques, to address through experimental and theoretical research, four key themes underscoring life on earth. Specifically, these are: What is the relationship between a host's genome, or epigenome, and the functional and taxonomic makeup of its associated microbial metagenome? Does this relationship explain ongoing ecological and evolutionary processes in the host? Could this relationship provide an alternate explanation to some of life's big transitions? And, how have we humans exploited this relationship? The Centre is composed of ten interdisciplinary groups embedded within the Globe Institute, that is part of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. The Institute's main purpose is to address basic scientific questions through interdisciplinary approaches. The institute operates at the intersection of natural sciences, medical sciences and the humanities.
Your job description We strive to study the evolutionary importance of host-microbiome interactions through a range of different methods and model systems. We know the gut microbiome shapes the phenotype of its vertebrate hosts, with profound consequences for traits such as growth and health. We now also have an increasing interest in studying how the host may control the composition of its associated microbiome by regulating expression patterns of host genes via epigenetic changes. Your tasks will be to work with a zebrafish model system to study if certain epigenetic variants in the host play a role in controlling the zebrafish microbiome. Further, your main focus will be to explore and learn novel tools to modify epigenomes (DNA methylation and/or histone modifications) as a potential way of controlling associated microbiomes in e.g. farmed animals. The project will include a collaboration with Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at University of Copenhagen benefiting from their zebrafish facility. You are expected to apply a hologenomic approach to study the effect of the epigenome on the resulting host-microbiome dynamics. The position will be supervised by Assoc Prof Morten Limborg and co-supervised by Assoc Prof Louise von GersdorffJørgensen.
Your profile We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic scientist with the following experience:
Essential experience and skills:
You have a PhD in epigenetics or a related field in molecular biology
You are experienced in working with animals as experimental models (maybe even fish)
You have an interest in hologenomics and how host and microbes have evolved together
You have proficient communication skills
You have good people skills and is a strong team player able to work in groups
You have excellent written and spoken English skills
Desirable experience and skills:
You have experience with the CRISPR/CAS technology, treatments of embryos or other single cells
Curious mind-set with a strong interest in epigenomics data in the context of evolutionary biology
You have experience publishing scientific papers as first author
You have a good biological understanding of host-microbiome interactions
You have experience with bioinformatics and handling of large omics data sets
Place of employment The place of employment is at the Section for Hologenomics at the GLOBE Institute, ØsterFarimagsgade 5A, 1353 Copenhagen K. We offer creative and stimulating working conditions in a dynamic and international research environment. Our research facilities include a LEAF GOLD certified molecular laboratory for the preparation of genomic scale datasets from modern and historic materials, as well as computational servers for the handling of such data.
About Globe Institute The Globe Institute is part of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. The Institute's main purpose is to address basic scientific questions through interdisciplinary approaches. The institute operates at the intersection of natural and medical sciences and the humanities. Information on the institute can be found at: https: // www. globe.ku.dk/.
The Globe Institute is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse environment where employees and students can affiliate and thrive. See website for more information. All qualified applicants will receive full consideration. Candidates who, through their research, teaching, and/or service, contribute to diversity and competencies of our Institute are encouraged to apply. The University of Copenhagen strives to offer a family friendly and flexible working environment with a sustainable balance between work- and private life, including parental leave schemes (up to 47 weeks for both parents) and up to six weeks of paid holidays per year. Researchers that have not been tax liable in Denmark for the last 10 years can apply for a special (reduced) tax scheme. The university offers a variety of services for international researchers and accompanying families.
Terms of employment The average weekly working hours are 37 hours per week.
The position is a fixed-term position limited to a period of 2 years. The starting date is on 1 July 2023 or based on an agreement.
Salary, pension and other conditions of employment are set in accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Taxation and AC (Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) or other relevant organisation. Currently, the monthly salary starts at 35,728 DKK/approx. 4,800 EUR (October 2022 level). Depending on qualifications, a supplement may be negotiated. The employer will pay an additional 17.1 % to your pension fund.
Foreign and Danish applicants may be eligible for tax reductions, if they hold a PhD degree and have not lived in Denmark the last 10 years.
The position is covered by the Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities 2020.
Questions For further information please contact Assoc. Prof. Morten Limborg at morten.limborg@sund.ku.dk
Foreign applicants may find this link useful: www. ism.ku.dk (International Staff Mobility).
Application procedure Your online application must be submitted in English by clicking ‘Apply now' below. Furthermore, your application must include the following documents/attachments – all in PDF format:
Motivated letter of application (max. one page).
CV incl. education, work/research experience, language skills and other skills relevant for the position.
A certified/signed copy of a) PhD certificate and b) Master of Science certificate. If the PhD is not completed, a written statement from the supervisor will do.
List of publications.
Deadline for applications: 31 March 2023, 23.59pm CET. We reserve the right not to consider material received after the deadline, and not to consider applications that do not live up to the abovementioned requirements.
The further process After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the hiring committee. All applicants are then immediately notified whether their application has been passed for assessment by an unbiased assessor. Once the assessment work has been completed each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant him/herself.
You can read about the recruitment process at https: // employment.ku.dk/faculty/recruitment-process/
The applicant will be assessed according to the Ministerial Order no. 242 of 13 March 2012 on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities.
Interviews are expected to be held in weeks 20-21.