



埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter),又名埃克斯特大学,是一所位于英国西南部的顶尖公立综合性研究型大学,起源于十九世纪中叶,于1955年受皇家特许正式创建大学。现为英国罗素大学集团、英联邦大学协会和GW4联盟等组织成员。

在世界大学排名中,埃克塞特大学长期居于前列,位列2023THE世界大学排名第137名,2023QS世界大学排名第163名;在2023《泰晤士报与星期日泰晤士报优秀大学指南》排名全英第13位,2022《完全大学指南》排名全英第13位,2022《卫报大学指南》排名全英第15位。在每七年一次发布的REF 2021 英国大学官方排名中科研GPA位列全英第23名 。

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

University of Exeter

Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

This RENEW funded post is available from 1 April 2023 until 1 April 2026.

We welcome applications from candidates interested in working part-time hours or job-sharing arrangements.

The post

The College wishes to recruit a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to participate in in the ‘Communities' team of the NERC-funded project “Renewing biodiversity through a people-in-nature approach (RENEW).” The wider RENEW partnership seeks to develop solutions to one of the major environmental challenges for humankind, the renewal of biodiversity. It is funded by NERC and involves 33 project partners. The programme includes academics and partners across environmental sciences, data science, environmental intelligence, social sciences, humanities, arts, and business.

The post entails investigating how creative writing may take participants and communities on a journey from the page to action that renews biodiversity. We want to explore how poetry makes things happen. You will be responsible for co-designing and delivering creative-writing projects with our partners, including The Book Trust, Poetry Society and National Trust. You will produce your own creative outputs as well as lead, deliver and evaluate community engagement projects for which you are responsible. Extending from your research interests and RENEW's priorities, you will use your public engagement and pedagogical skills to explore how narratives and metaphors for biodiversity may alter according to individual and collective experiences of biodiversity. You will collaborate with ecologists exploring links and gaps between biodiversity and human experiences of it. The holistic evidence drawn from your research will shape our research focus and the narratives RENEW presents to the public.

The successful applicant will work closely with Dr John Wedgwood Clarke and Dr Regan Early in the ‘Communities' Theme 2 Team, who will be co-ordinating their own creative practice and ecological research into biodiversity mapping and renewal. The post is for 3 years and is available from 01/04/23 to 31/03/26. It will be based in the Department of English and Creative Writing with affiliation to Department of Biosciences.

About you

The successful applicant will be a nationally recognised poet with a demonstrable track-record in research that involves participatory practices and creative-writing pedagogies. You must be self-motivated, possess excellent project-management skills, and have a strong interest in working at the intersection between arts, humanities, STEM, business, social sciences and other disciplines. You will possess sufficient specialist knowledge to develop collaborative research projects and outputs; work with stakeholder and community partners; and communicate complex information clearly across specialisms and with wider publics.

The successful applicant will be able to develop research objectives, projects and proposals; identify sources of research funding and contribute to the process of securing funds and make presentations at conferences and other events.

Applicants will be able to:

Design and implement independent research in a collaborative, transdisplinary context.

Act as research team leader including mentoring, collaborating and communicating across multiple disciplines and beyond academia.

Develop partnerships with stakeholders, communities and wider publics.

The successful applicant will also be able to work collaboratively, supervise  the work of others and act as team leader as required.

Applicants will possess a relevant PhD or equivalent qualification/experience in a related field of study.
