Title: Postdoc Research Associate - Periodontics (Cancer Biology) (Job ID #133240)
Department: Dentistry/Periodontics
Category: Postdoc Res Assoc
Location: Chicago
Close Date: 06/30/2020
Postdoctoral position in cancer biology with focus on epigenetics and DNA damage signaling in cancer models including breast and prostate.
The candidate should have experience in
Molecular and cellular biology
Cell culture including genetically engineered models
Histopathology techniques, nucleic acids and protein extractions, blotting, hybridization, genomics
Manuscript writing.
Minimum qualifications include a PhD in a biomedical science-related field of study.
The position is full time and benefits eligible. The University of Illinois at Chicago is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. Individuals from minority groups, women, veterans, and those with disabilities are encouraged to apply.