Job Description
Post-Doctoral Positions in Alcohol Addiction Research
The NIAAA-funded Center for Alcohol Research in Epigenetics (CARE) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (https://www.psych.uic.edu/research/alcohol-research-center) is pleased to announce the availability of up to four postdoctoral positions for appointment to our institutional T32 alcohol training grant.T32 faculty use state-of-the art genomic and epigenomic approaches, circuit- and cell-type specific manipulations, ex vivo electrophysiology, neuropharmacology, neurochemistry, chemo- and optogenetics, epigenetic editing ( CRISPR approach) and in vivo calcium imaging to investigate the effects of acute and chronic ethanol exposure during both adolescence and adulthood on neuroimmune function, chromatin remodeling, structural and synaptic plasticity, and behavior. Trainees will be integrated with UIC’s Center for Alcohol Research in Epigenetics (CARE). As such, they will be afforded the opportunity to interact extensively with a team of basic science and clinical researchers. This rich scientific environment provides an excellent training ground for young investigators. Numerous opportunities exist for scientific discourse and networking with world-renowned scientists within and outside of UIC. These include weekly seminars and journal clubs as well as the CARE Annual Retreat, and the annual Department of Psychiatry Research Forum. Appointment to the T32 will include an annual stipend in agreement with NIH minimum salary for postdoctoral fellows, medical insurance coverage, and travel funds. Fellows will be given the opportunity to work in the laboratories of Drs. Subhash Pandey, Amy Lasek, Mark Brodie, and Elizabeth Glover, as well as several other labs located at UIC.
Candidates must have completed a doctoral degree in biochemistry, biology, chemistry, neuroscience, physiology or a related field and must be eligible for appointment to an NIH supported training grant (i.e., U.S. citizen or permanent resident). Competitive applicants will have a strong track record of productivity and commitment to a career in alcohol research. Strong verbal and written communication skills are required.
Interested individuals should send a brief letter describing research interests, laboratory of interest, and career goals with a copy of their CV and contact information for three references to Dr. Subhash Pandey at scpandey@uic.edu